-» Pumpkin Pasta

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"Winnie?" Winifred, annoyed, turns at Mary

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"Winnie?" Winifred, annoyed, turns at Mary. She is busy to catch the thief and get her book back. "You sure she isn't Katharina?" Winifred angrily growls. "You idiot! How many times do I have to repeat myself! Katharina is gone, she already died for sure! What else person like that deserves anyway?! Caroline maybe looks like her but that's it! That's it!"

Mary leaves additional comments for herself. "Have you seen that, there are goblins everywhere!" Sarah runs over and points over little creatures. Children, to be specific. Mary joins her and Winifred does as well. Maybe they think they'll find some clue how to find the book or whatever. I keep staying in the back as I know these are only dressed children. My anxiety hits as I hear familiar voices. "Hey, kitten!"

It is Jay and Ernie. These two constantly bothered Max and me since we moved in, they even stolen Max's sneakers!

"What's your costume? Looks as my tonight date." Jay chuckles and wraps arm around me. "In your dreams, you pig." I push him from me.  "Bunny boiler is pretty rough, isn't she?" I glare. "At least the nickname you get right." I gasp as Ernie hardly grabs me. "Maybe you call yourself that, but you're just a little playdate for night." I try escape his arms but he holds me strongly.

"Let me go!" I shout but they just laugh and start to drag me away. "Hey, chicks, back off." I look up to see Winifred with her sisters. "Chicks?" Winifred repeats, agressively.

She raises her arm and a green thunder fill the air which causes both Jay and Ernie fall on ground in pain. I upsetly slap both of these and then I smile at Winifred. "That was actually neat." She playfully smirks and hands me an arm, so I can come over. "They called you bunny boiler? Shall we boil them then?" They both scream. "NO!"

"I guess they had enough, but thank you for your offer." Winifred shares with me a little smile and then we cross the street. "I think you can do better, but Salem's men were always a disaster." Winifred says. "Ah, you don't have to worry about this. I don't look for love in Salem, I'm not living in any romcom."

She is confused, so I make it simple. "I just don't believe my true love would find me in this town." She slowly nods. I notice Mary and Sarah in background listening to us and whispering. Obviously. Yes, I wanted ask Winifred herself about Katharina and what has actually happened, but I realized I'm nervous to do that. It wouldn't end up the best, I suppose.

"Wait, wait, that's a bus!" I call as I finally notice a transport we could use.

When it stops, Sanderson sisters scream. "It's alright, you don't have to be scared." I try to assure them. "Bubble, bubble, I'm in trouble." I look up to the driver. "4 tickets please." He waves arm. "For such beauties like yourselves, there's no need of pay. Come in!" Well, that was unexcepted, but fine.

"What's this?" Winifred asks me as I lead them inside and point at them to pick seats. The bus was empty so it was good. "It's a bus, it takes you to a destination you want. Which in our case is?" I ask.

𝓢𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮 𝓜𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓬 ➺ 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑠𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛Where stories live. Discover now