ʜʏᴘᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ᴘᴛ 4

3.3K 38 10

Warnings: language
Recommendations: dark mode
An: tysm for 80k! Sending you all virtual kisses>33

Y/n's Pov

It was the next morning. Everyone was heading downstairs for another day of filming. Honestly, today's episode was almost canceled today due to last night's era. But here we are. I turned my head to the side to see a sleeping Vinnie. He was still holding me in his arms, with his face buried in the crook of my neck. He was adorable. I moved his hair back out of his face and then lightly tapped him to wake him up. "C'mon Vin, we have to film." I giggled. "5 more minutes," he yawned, pulling me in tighter. I tried everything to wake him up and he just held me closer. "Fine," I mutter, giving in. I watched as he had a smirk plastered on his face once I gave in. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?" I smirked, nudging his arm. He just snuggled me closer, which eventually led me to fall back asleep in his arms. "Vinnie, y/n downstairs, we're all waiting on you," Thomas shouts, banging on the door. Vinnie and I both jumped up from the bang, frightened by the noise. "C'mon vin," I giggled, as I yanked the covers off of us. I remembered we went to bed basically naked, after some indescribable things, and instantly pulled the covers back up. Vinnie smirked, and my face went red. "Sorry," I apologized, full of embarrassment. "Why pull them back up?" he joked."Can we just go down stairs?" I sighed. "We didn't even get our 5 minute nap," Vinnie groaned. "And you really want to film after yesterday's situation?" He questioned. Now that I think about it, filming with Renata will be so weird now. I don't even think I can look at her face again. "Yes, I'll be fine, now come on," I giggled, dragging him out of bed. "Pants," he smirked. "Oh right," I smiled, embarrassed once again.

skip to down stairs*

We get downstairs and sit on the couch.
I immediately noticed Renata. She's wearing sunglasses. I must've given her a black eye. We started filming, and Thomas started talking about a pool party. "You guys can invite anyone, just not too many people," he chuckled. With that, everyone started talking about who they would invite and gossiping, as usual. "Me and Michael will be on the grill," Calvin suggested. "Yea, there are some hotdogs and burgers in the fridge." Mia nodded. "Everyone go get on your swimsuits, and we'll meet at the pool," Thomas cheered. We then all sprint to our room, quickly putting on swimwear. I grabbed my pink two-piece and ran to the bathroom to put it on. I added on the gold necklace Vinnie brought me as a finishing touch and headed to his room. "Vin, you ready?" I knocked. He opened his door and his mouth dropped. "What?" I raised an eyebrow, seriously confused. "It's just you look fucking hot." Vinnie bit his lip, admiring every part of me. "Why, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself, hacker." I giggled. Vinnie chuckled, pulling me into a hug. "You'll have my last name one day," he smirked. "I can't wait," I giggled. Then we just stayed there, rocking back and forth. "Hey Vinnie, can you help me blow up these floats?" Michael began, before stopping. "Oh, am I interrupting something?" he paused, awkwardly. Vinnie and I looked at each other, then back at Michael, bursting into laughter. "No, we were just finishing, but what'd you need help with?" Vinnie chuckled. "The floats," he scratched his neck, embarrassed. "sure." Vinnie shrugged. "I'll meet you down at the pool," Vinnie said, giving me a peck before running behind Michael. Since Vinnie went to help, I decided I'd go down to where the other girls were. I walked down the stairs, which is when I had eyes all over me. "Wow y/n, you look so good," Mia excitedly exaggerated. I smiled. "Thank you, I love your look too," Renata just stayed silent the whole time, following Mia. "Let's head to the pool," Mia suggested. All of us nodded and followed her there. Everyone was either already in the pool or making tiktoks. Why, most of the boys were playing basketball. Including Vinnie, "We should get in the hotub," I excitedly cheered. "Yess, let's go," Mia instantly agreed, following me. I realized Mia was the only one following me, and soon realized why. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat. " Renata sighed, obviously talking to everyone else but me. "I could eat," Mia shrugged, with literally everyone following. I watched as Renata turned her head, giving me a smirk, before walking off. "What a bitch" I sighed. But there I was standing alone. I can admit I was embarrassed. But I didn't want to start anything. I walked over to the hot tub, getting in while watching Vinnie play ball. I was so embarrassed to be there alone, so I got on my phone. I made a couple tiktoks before Vinnie eventually came to join me, with the rest of the boys behind him. "Care if I join you?" Vinnie smirked. "Of course not, hop in!" I smiled. Vinnie got into the hot tub along with Jack, Jett, and Baron. We all talked for awhile, but I wasn't really in the moment. "Are you okay, y/n?" Vinnie asked, worried. "I'm fine." I lightly smiled, trying to be convincing. Honestly, I wasn't okay. I could tell Renata was trying to turn everyone against me. She just won't get off my fucking back. "You sure, because you've been looking down ever since we got in. Is it us? because we can leave if you want." Baron assured, but I cut him off. "It's just Renata guys. I know she's trying to turn the girls against me," I sighed, trying not to cry. Vinnie pulled me in his arms, rubbing my upper back. "Like just a second ago, I suggested we get in the hotub, and everyone was down until Renata's complaint of hunger. Then they followed her, and when they did, I was left alone, and she smirked at me." I cried. I know this girl has something planned and it's not good. "It's going to be alright; we all know she's a bitch, and we won't let her bother you," Jack assured. "Thanks guys, this really means a lot." I smiled, wiping away a few tears. They nodded, and we joked around, playing in the hotub. It was all fun until I heard a familiar noise. My eyes instantly lit up and I remembered what it was. I looked to see where it was coming from, and it led right to Renata. It was me and Vinnie, but particularly me, moaning. It was from last night's adventure... "TURN IT OFF!" I screamed. I felt sick, knowing she had recorded that made me feel uneasy. "Why should I? You were loud enough for everyone to hear you," she laughed. Everyone's eyes were on me, and I felt as if I was going to throw up. I quickly got out of the hotub, running to the bathroom. I heard Vinnie call for me, but I didn't stop. I ran straight in, locking the door behind me. I wanted to unalive myself. I cried in my hands. I hit the wall, asking me why me?, but then I thought about it. What was going through Vinnie's head? I left him there, and he was also in the recording. I was panicking and didn't even think about Vin. I know he's probably embarrassed, maybe even more than I am. I felt like such a shitty person. Vinnie doesn't deserve me. He deserves someone better. I'm a mess that keeps getting into problems, and can't control them...

Part 5?

An: Omg, this took days to write. I kinda threw stuff in here because I ran out of ideas, but this took forever... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it:)))

(Sorry for spelling errors, haven't read over)

Words: 1344😵‍💫

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