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2| Hell or High Water

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Under normal circumstances, I avoid fibbing, not because I'm morally against lying at all costs but simply because my memory reflects that of a goldfish. But some lies are necessary. Justifiable even. As long as I don't fall entirely through the rabbit hole, what's the harm in squatting inside for a little while, right?

"He's in California, apparently," I continue, keeping my voice level. Momma's like a bloodhound when it comes to deceit. "Can you believe it?"

I'm really counting on her believing it. Perhaps if she and daddy think Beau called to make amends, they'd assist me in bringing him home. Three years is too long to go without my bestie. Beau was like the sunshine to my rain, always bringing light and laughter. I've had to make do without him. I managed fine for a couple of years, but recently I feel like I've been living in the dark for months.

I want my little night light back.

"California..." The color drains from Momma's face as she nods slowly. "Oh." She clears her throat, patting her chest. "Well, that's nice," she says casually, as if I just told her my lunch order. She turns on her heel, straightening out her shoulders. "Let's go inside. We're late."

"That's nice?" I expected a frosty reception, but this? "That's all you've got to say?" I know she's hurt that he left without saying goodbye, but this is her own flesh and blood. How can she dismiss his reappearance so easily? "Aren't you relieved, momma? He's alive. Your son is alive."

"Well, he better be," she says, hustling toward our house. "I can't imagine that the dead can make phone calls." She glances over at me. "Hurry up, Savannah, we can't leave daddy waiting."

"Why aren't you happier, momma?" I ask, following her to the front door. It's getting darker by the second. "You'd think after three years of living in the unknown, you'd be over the moon finally hearing from him."

My mother's eyes harden as she glares at me. "Your brother abandoned this family, Savannah; I do not feel strongly toward strangers."

"Strangers? He's still your son," I note, a foul taste coating my tongue. "Just because—"

"Enough now," she states as our housekeeper opens the front door for us. Momma shoves her purse into Lucy's hands, storming through the foyer as I speed walk behind her. "I want no mention of this at dinner, you hear? Your daddy's under enough stress as it is."

"How is telling daddy that his only son is alive and well adding stress?" I ask in utter disbelief. "If anything, it should ease that big ole head of his."

"I said enough." Momma comes to an abrupt halt, spinning around. I swallow as she marches up to me, waving that index finger of hers. "I understand what you must be feeling right now, but your daddy and I have come to terms with the fact Beauregard is no longer a part of this family. If you wish to maintain a relationship with your brother, that is your prerogative, but as far as this family is concerned, Beau made up his mind on the eve of his graduation."

"He was seventeen, momma," I argue, crossing my arms defensively. "You can hardly hold his actions against him. He was just a kid. Probably felt a little suffocated by your vice grip and all."

"Suffocated?" Momma huffs. "Your daddy and I did everything for that boy. Everything! Don't you dare stand there and tell me that his leaving had anything to do with my parenting style!"

"Oh, God forbid any of the responsibility falls on you, huh?" I scoff. "I think you and daddy ought to change your campaign slogan from higher accountability to no accountability. That'd be more accurate."

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