Twenty-five: Let the Games Begin

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Stupid dress parties.

Stupid Christmas.

I hate this time of year.

December 20th; Randy's family's Christmas Party. It's always held at their house. Everyone they know is invited. There's fancy food, and the house is decorated in gold, white, and the occasional red and green. White and gold look classier, that's why. The decorations themself likely cost more than a middle class family earns in a month.

Mom made me wait to get my haircut until it was the day before the party. For three weeks, I was blowing hair out of my eyes. She also took me to the tailors' where I had to stand still for fifteen minutes while the tailor pinned and drew the measurements for my new suit. I already had 8 just from that year.

All the days of and before the party, I was getting pictures from Randy of him at the barbers' (our moms are the same person, I swear), carrying boxes from the car into the house, his mom telling the workers where to put tables and decorations, his dad making sure the bar was fully stocked, things as such.

In return I sent my own pictures, like my mom talking to the tailor, the many rows of dresses that Addy and mom were looking at (they made me come dress shopping with them because Mom didn't trust me at home alone), and my dad on the phone with his dad. They do own rival companies, but they're still good friends. The good news is that Dad was out of the hospital by then. The collapsed lung thing was just a scare, and his most serious injury was a concussion. He wouldn't be attending the party.

Two hours before we had to leave, I got another picture. It showed a picture of his ceiling (he sends the most boring pictures ever) and the caption read: You wanna change our names and start a new life in France?

Me: why France?

Randy <3: because why not

Me: sure then

Randy <3: sweet, our flight leaves in twenty minutes

Me: cutting short on time I guess

Randy <3: eh, doesn't matter since we're not going to France anyway

Me: then why do we have a flight if we're not going to France? It seems difficult to have a flight to somewhere and not go there

Randy <3: ...I was kidding, as tempting as it is, we can't change our names and start new lives in France

Me: yeah I know, ya dumb fuck


Me: nice typing job

Randy <3: oh for fucks sake, Knox 😐

Me: hehe

Randy <3: loser

Me: dumbass

Randy <3: see you in a bit, Knoxie ❤️

Me: see ya ❤️


My family was one of the first to arrive, and as soon as I walked in, I was met by Randy...a no longer black-haired one. "Hello, wonderful to see all of you again. Thank you for coming," he greeted with that award-winning smile of his.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world," Mom replied. I was confused why she was being nice and then I remembered: Oh yeah, she likes him. One of the only things the two of us don't have in common.

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