Chapter 6: Electrical Hallways

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Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

(A/N: All the images or gifs used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Previously we saw Issei, Rex and Ruby enter Level Fun to rescue Jaune from the Partygoers that kidnapped him, they entered the Level only to notice that it seemed to be similar to Level 0, albeit with some decoration akin to that of a children's birthday party, Issei and Ruby look for the Partygoer that had kidnapped Jaune, while Rex managed to see something that was something like a Partygoer that kidnapped Jaune. Issei and Ruby along with Rex seemed to be headed close to what seemed to be food there, Draigg managed to stop Ruby before she could consume it, when Ruby asked why, Draigg informed them that it was made up of Human Flesh, which caused Ruby to clean her hands off with a bottle of Almond water and puke in a nearby corner. After Ruby recovered, she, along with Issei and Rex all headed to the area where Rex last saw the Partygoer, Ruby saw a Almond water left like that on the table, Draigg warned her that it would be a trap, but it was too late, Ruby was already headed there, she was ambushed by a lone Partygoer, but Issei intercepted the attack, killing it and saving Ruby, Ruby apologized for putting herself in danger, after which she and Issei along with Rex had a talk about the Partygoers where Issei pretty much informed her about everything, their nature, behavior and how they turn their victims into one of them, eventually they were surrounded by a horde of 10 Partygoers who all wanted to stop them from advancing their room, Issei and Ruby knew they did not have much time since Jaune back there was defenseless, they immediately slaughtered all 9 of the 10 Partygoers with Rex also assisting them in killing said Partygoers, Issei then grabbed the last one and threatened the location, which the cowardly entity gave the information to it, after which Issei kills it, Issei had no faith in them and trusting them is foolishness. Issei, Rex and Ruby entered a dark room, thanks to him being able to see in the darkness, he saw that they were heavily armed, he then out on the light and ducked his friends, then they all went to kill all the Partygoers present, and they then go to rescue Jaune from the Partygoers, however they did not notice Partyhost, had called in more reinforcements, and by the time they could sense him, it was too late, several more Partygoers had come to prevent their rescue mission. Issei decided to take them on, while asking Ruby and Rex to release Jaune from his restraints, he then went into Illegal move Trianna and killed all the remaining Partygoers that had come in as reinforcements, he then looked at the Partyhost and killed it as well taking the entire army of Partygoers and a single Partyhost down for good. After which all four of them leave the room before any Partygoer could come and attack them while they are vulnerable, and head to a door which takes them to Level 3

Level 3, 5:30 PM

Issei, along with the rest of his friends head to what seems to be an endless electric station, it seemed to be quite claustrophobic for everyone present, including Rex who was despite being a Dollface was looking pretty uncomfortable about it

Issei: Hey Rex, you doing alright?

Rex: I dunno Issei, this area is scaring me down!!!

Ruby: I gotta agree with Rex, even I am not comfortable with these halls they are as bad as Level 2, we honestly need to get out of here, not to mention I am constantly being watched.

Issei: Yeah, I sense a presence too, but I am unable to figure out what exactly it is

Draigg then responded from the boosted gear

Draigg: There are entities called Stalkers in this level

Ruby jumped in terror, she was not at all comfortable in this highly claustrophobic level, Jaune calmed her down, Issei then asked

Issei's Dxd Adventure: Into the BackroomsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα