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I slammed the car door once I sat in the back seat of my new owners I guess. "Hey be easy please" Joyce asked while I looked around at the kids inside. A dude that reeked of weed and cologne sat in the passenger seat while an obviously gay kid with a  terrible bowl cut and a kid with hair that reached down to her ear lobes sat in the middle beside me. I stared outside as we moved past the houses and stores I had many found memories in. Sarcasm...by the way.

"So y/n you'll be having your own room luckily and it'll be between Els and Johnathans. Y'all will be in the hallway on one end of the house while Hopper and I will be at the other end in a different bedroom" Joyce explained. "And by the way you can call me anything you want alright? Joyce, mom, just not lady or woman" she added quickly before smiling. I liked her, but I had one question.

"Who's el" I asked and the girl beside me, who was actually really pretty, turned to me and smiled, "why's her name El" I said asking another question hoping to annoy them, "uh that's a story for another time" Joyce replied. A few minutes passed when johnathan informed me "you'll be starting school tomorrow. El and Will will be there" causing me to laugh slightly but no one noticed, "ok".

No one really said anything after that and once we got home will and eleven helped me with my bags of clothes and items. As I walked into the house and down the hall you could tell which room was Johnathans. "So this room is Johnathans?" I asked already knowing the answer, el nodded while will rolled his eyes, "yeah he has a friend named argyle that comes around and it gets worse but usually they do it in the van or go somewhere else".

I nodded and made a mental note to ask Johnathan to share later. We found my room and the one thing I liked was there is a window right where the bed is. I watched as el started to unzip my stuff causing me to grab her hand, her flinching. "I'm uh. I'm sorry just please don't touch my stuff till I have it all where I want it alright" I apologized and she smiled and nodded, "it's alright I understand. Be sure to tell me which drawers not to touch too".

I looked at will and raised an eyebrow, "Johnathan?", "Johnathan". El and brought in a few more boxes with drawers and shelves and all that shit then once they closed my door I instantly started to unpack, wanting to be able to relax. I first did my bed, purple lights I found at the store wrapped around the frame then I plugged it into the extension cord I stole from my dad before I left. I put all the other necessities on my bed, along with a squishy panda, then started on drawers, shelves, and items around the room.

I have a drawer that sits beside my bed with a pair of lips phone and a moon shaped clock. The phone being the top lip while the holder was the bottom lip, pretty cool I'd say. I put up a shelf with my books, mainly Stephen king then some romance, then a few little figures i either stole or a friend bought. I also had a whole collection of candles that I set on the top shelf and kept those I had a dragon that my uh best friend bought me that has a little circle thing that you light a triangular incense thingy then you set the dragon over it and the incense comes out of the three mouths and ears.

Then, after all of that, I put up my dresser and filled that with clothes that weren't important enough to hang in my closet. One drawer was full of belts and ties. The dresser sat in between the closet and another window that will let a small art desk that one of my dads bitches bought me as a birthday gift, it wasn't my birthday but I didn't tell her that because free table. I use it for painting and other things which is why it's infront of a window....Obviously! The shelf of books sat on the wall right infront of my bed. One more thing was ready to be put up.

I took out a short but tall shelves shelf and put my record player on the top while the bottom shelf held records and the top first shelf held sketch books and my Walkman along with tapes. This one sat on the other side of my bed and I laid a dark purple sheet over it, the record player holding it on place, so it didn't look weird. If you couldn't tell my favorite color is purple, yeah and my favorite flower/smell is lavender. But that's not important obviously.

I hung up a few posters and painting I've done and then I was finally finished. Just in time for dinner I guess.

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