Part 13

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Sixty part 13

The workers ran with the girl in their hands as they ran to a shower and tilted her head back as they washed her off

"My head hurts" she cried as the workers got her new pair of clothing and the rolled down her old bloody ones

"Arms up" the worker directed as the girl lifted her arms up as they slid it off and slide on the new one and the ships landed as the figures walked out of it and accepted a floating coffin as the girl watched from afar as the body was floated into the ship and she ran to see what it was before the workers could finish

"Clone 60 get back here" the workers yelled as the girl ran through the white halls and out to the windy balcony as she watched the long-necked workers negotiate with the figures with hoods as she heard someone come up behind her

"You know it isn't very nice to spy like that," the Jedi said to her

"What happened to them?" Asked the young girl

"Well, that's for the council to decide, I'm just the messenger and you don't shoot the messenger" said the man as the
"Come now, we need to see who you belong to." the man said as he led the girl through the white hallways and to the lead scientist Taun We,

"There you are 60" Said Taun We and the very out breathed workers took the girl as she was dragged away as the doors closed behind her as she was dragged into another room as a medical droid came up to her

"Am I sick?" She asked the worker as she felt a prick on her side

"No, something much worse"

Soon she could not keep her eyelids open as she was engulfed in the darkness


When she woke up the workers looked at her head

"No, this does not do, she looks like she had gum in her hair and had to cut it off," One of the workers said as another worker brought in a razor

Sixty POV.

the razor went across my head, as my long hair was being chopped off by the workers, and I sat there watching my hair fall off my head and onto the floor,

"It isn't her fault, maybe we should recall the clones." Taun, we said, as the worker did one last shave across my head

'No, it was only a Sixty issues, we took out the aging process on her. So that caused her to go off the tracks" The grand minister said, as he walked back and forth as he wondered what to do with the female clone. They could always get rid of her,

but all those years of hard work would amount to nothing. But then an idea popped into his head.

"What about in the future, if we need more of Jango Fett DNA we can use her to produce another Jango Fett since she is first-generation"

Taun, We did not like that, not one bit but she can only hold her tongue for now and she will focus on that when she was older.

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