Bonus Chapter #1

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Bonus Chapter #1

Chapter 4 & 5

Xavier's POV

I ran beside my territory line looking outside. When will I find my mate? I've been waiting for her since I knew what they meant and yet I had no luck on finding her.

'Xavier, there is a rogue in holding. She doesn't seem harmless though. Her name is Emma and frankly I don't think she's dangerous' My beta, Carter said through mindlink.

'I'll be the judge of that. Bring her to my office' I answered and ran to my house.

I entered my office and sat down on my chair trying to look professional. I could smell them coming.

They were two scents, one was Carter's smell that I've already gotten used too. And the second, which was deliciously unfamiliar. Her scent was intoxicating.

The door was opened by Carter and he threw a backpack inside. Well okay. "Alpha, this is Emma. The rogue" Carter said and walked inside with a beautiful blonde and shut the door and that's when I smelled it.

'Mate' My wolf exclaimed excited.

I stared at her in amazement. She was absolutely and without a doubt, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen and I'm not saying it because she was my mate.

I was looking her over and in that moment our eyes met and as cliche as it most sound, the whole word stopped around us.

I just wanted her, I've waited for so long that I just need her. "Mine" I growled and jumped the desk so that I was holding her soft face.

"Mine" I sighed and snuggled into her neck. I sniffed in her scent and remembered that she was in handcuffs. I went to my desk and took the key from one of the drawers. I came back and unlocked the cuffs, throwing then over the desk. I'll just pick them out later.

"Can I do something?" I asked her and  took a step closer.

She nodded, making a smile appear in my face. "Can I kiss you?" What? I can't help myself. She blushed before answering "Sure".

I didn't waste a second because as soon as she said that word, I already had my lips on hers. I could feel my lips burning with passion.

With the tip of my tongue I traced her bottom lip. She opened her mouth and her fingers started combing my hair. Which just made it feel a million times better.

She took a step back, making some distance between us. The both of us were breathing heavily.

I couldn't help but let the words that were running through my mind. "Wow" He blushed once again but then I remembered that she was a Rouge. "That was amazing and all but we still need to discuss a few things before that happens again" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her with me to the couch.

"So Emma, tell me why are you a rogue?" I asked turning serious, well I tried.

"Can't we talk about anything else? Like the weather, I think is gonna rain" She tried to change the topic but it didn't work.

"Emma" I said to her.

She told me about everything she had been through. I took deep breaths as the anger consumed my body. I stood up and went towards my desk, trying to stop myself from lashing out. 

"Xavier, stop" She said, placing her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and immediately softened. If this was bad for me I couldn't imagine being her.

"I'm sorry if I got angry, this isn't about me right now, well in some ways it is since you're my mate but still, this is about you right now. I just can't believe someone could be that much of an asshole. First, he tries to take advantage of a 15 year old and then he tries and forces her to be his mate and even after all that shit he dared to lay a hand on you. When I get my hands on that son of a bitch I'm going to stick a lamp through his ass" I said and I heard a chuckle leave her mouth.

"What're you laughing about?" I asked with a smile.

"Just that punishment. I would love to see that" "So would I" We laughed together.

We stayed quiet after that just looking at each other until she spoke.

"Come on, let's do something else" An idea popped in my head as soon as she said that.

"I got an idea, You get change and I'll give you a tour of the pack house" I said with a smile.

"I'm gonna shower if you don't mind, I stink"

"I don't mind at all" I said with an unvoluntary smirk.

I lead her outside and into a guest room so she could change. This is until she moves into my room. "You can shower and get dressed in here" I left her there and shut the door.

I started catching up on work until I waited for Emma outside her room and met up with Carter, where I told him all about my new mate.

As soon as I heard she walked out,  I left Carter and walked towards her.

"Let's go" I said taking her hand.

I gave her a tour of the house and as soon as we arrived at the kitchen she wanted to eat. "Can I?" She asked me and nodded towards the fridge. I agreed and in a second she left my side and went directly to the fridge.

She started making nutella bread with a butter knife. I immediately saw the similarities of her and my mother. I don't even know if that's good.

"You like Nutella?" I asked.

"Dude, This is my home. If you even dare take this from me, I will leave you without your little friend" Shs warned me and pointing to Xavier Jr.

Don't go messing with that. I thought and lifted my hands in surrender

"I think you'll like my mom" I said.


"When she was in high school she carried a Nutella jar in her purse" I said and she laughed "Oh and one time when I was like 5, my dad made the mistake of finishing her jar and she didn't talk to him for a week"

I was going to keep telling her stories but was interrupted by the same annoying voice.

"Xavyyyy, where were you?" Jessica asked and clung in my arm.

"Jessica, I have told you a million of times that you call me Alpha" I said and ripped my arm from her hold.

She really pushes my buttons.

"Argh" Jessica shouted before storming out.

"She doesn't mean anything to me" I clarified while taking her hand. Maybe she thought we were together.

"I believe you" She stated and I decided to change the topic.

"You know, you can have all the Nutella you want when you become our luna, my luna" I said.

There was a moment of silence before she spoke" I have to leave, I know I am your mate, but I have to go towards the land of the humans. So everyone can be save" She softly touched my face.

Something in me snapped when I heard those words.

I growled loudly and pusher her against the wall with my body.

"My beautiful Emma, you are not leaving me, not now, not today, not tomorrow, not EVER" I said and without a thought sunk my canines in her neck.

She fell unconscious in a few seconds. As I caught her body the only thing I could think of was: what the hell did I just do?

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