Indra x reader - non lemon

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This story was requested by Hahirama--Senj
You had a crazy obsession with caves. So when your friends told you about an untouched cave outside of the (your village) you planned a whole trip to go exploring by yourself. You made sure had everything you needed and left the next morning.

After what was almost a whole day of walking you set up camp outside of the cave. You pitched your tent and settled in after have some food you had brought. Little did you know you had been watching the whole time. By who, you would soon find but the next day.

- the next morning. Sponsored by night time.-

You ate your breakfast in your tent and crawled out on to the giant rock in front of the cave. Making sure your flashlight worked you headed into the dark hole.

It was cool and damp as you walked in between two tight walls. You managed to fit through without a struggle and kept walking.

That is until your flashlight went out leaving you in total darkness. You groaned in annoyance as you couldn't see your way back to the opening of the cave. You turned around only to forget were exactly it was that you had come from. You began feeling around you and soon found an opening. You kept walking through the cave making sure you held on to the wall in case you slipped. As you kept going a door appeared at the end of the opening. It had light shining through the bottom which made you curious.

You pushed on the door and it was surprisingly open. You took a few steps inside until a figure quickly stood in front of you. You let out a small screach in surprised but calmed down once you figured out it was only Indra, your lost childhood best friend. His hair was tied back but he had the same friendly eyes.

He squinted his eyes as he looked at you. "Y/n" is that really you?" He asked in amazement. You nodded your head and hugged him tightly. "I missed you so much, why did you leave?" You asked nearly crying.

"I couldn't stand it anymore. You were the only reason I stayed as long as I stayed as long as I did. But when I thought you were dead I had to go because it seemed like a part of me was missing." You were surprised he thought that much about you. But after your parents had been killed by enemy ninja you went into hiding without a word. Everyone had thought you were killed or taken away because of your dangerous ability to mind transfer. Indra hadn't seen you for more than 8 years ago. It was heart warming to finally see him again.

Pulling your arm Indra led you to his living room and sat you down on the couch. " Would you like some tea or anything, we have so much to talk about. It's been forever,  that is if you have time anyways." He said giving you a hopeful look. You laughed at him and accepted his offer.

"Say, what we're you doing in this cave anyways?" He questioned. "My friends found this place and I love exploring so I came to visit it and also it was about time for a camping trip anyways. I wouldn't be here except my flashlight died." You laughed as you looked back on how you had a hard time feeling around the walls of the cave.

You talked with Indra for a bit before deciding it was probably getting late and you should get going.

As you attempted to stand up Indra asked if you wanted to stay the night. You thought it would be nice but your stuff was in your tent and that was all the way back at the cave entrance.

"If it's about your stuff being in your tent and having nothing to wear, I have some spare clothes you could borrow." He said as he put a hand on your back and smiled to comfort you. For some reason you felt butterflies in your stomach and accepted his offer. He showed you to the room you would stay in...his room. "I'll get a blanket and pillow from the closet and sleep on the couch. Oh and here's a shirt that should be long enough and comfortable for sleeping in."

You took it nervously from him and he patted your shoulder and said goodnight before turning to leave. After he was gone you changed your clothes and tucked yourself in bed. After five minutes of thinking about Indra you passed out.

"No, please stop it! Don't kill them."

"Y/n run go far away and leave the village!"

Your mother cried and the sound of them falling to the floor as you ran through doorway forever rang through your mind.

"Y/n wake up."

You screamed as you heard your voice coming through the woods.

"Y/n your having a nightmare please wake up!"

It was louder this time but your eyes snapped open.

"I-Indra what are you doing in here." You asked through sobs. "You were having a nightmare y/n. I couldn't stand to hear your cries. I just want you to know that I will never leave you and I will always be by your side, I'll come back to the village with you if I need to. I want to be there for you! Y/n I love you." This caught your attention. The boy you had always secretly liked had just confessed his love to you and you were speechless.

"Indra I love you to and I secretly always have. I would be more than honored to have you by my side." You said sweetly as he wiped your tears. He bent down and gave you a gentle yet passionate kiss. You kissed him back and had a sweet make out session. He laid down beside you and cradled you in his arms.

You both went to sleep peacefully and lived a very happy life together. From that night on you and Indra never felt alone in such a big ever again.

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