• Party Time •

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[SORRY this part took forever I've been really busy and not sure what to do with the story but I'm back now!! AND THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT LOVE YOU ALL SM XOXO]

It was school, like always and even though it had only been a few weeks I was craving the weekends like a drug addict.
I was studying when my music stopped and my phone rang, the only person who ever calls me is my mum so I hurriedly flipped over my phone which was laying on my laptop and read the contact name. I wasn't surprised to see it was Zia, she's always on her phone. Although who could blame her, she was popular and pretty so she always had DMs to answer.
"Zia?" I say pressing the phone against my ear, "What do you want?"
"GUESS WHAT?" Zia sounds like an excited puppy. I try and sound as excited as her,
"Zach is having a party and your coming with me!"
Ugh I hated Zach. Zia had only been dating him for a few weeks and she's smitten, I don't think he's a good guy.
"Uh I'm not sure, I won't know anyone and plus you've only been with him a few weeks"
I pace around my room hearing Zia going on about Zach. To be honest I'm not a huge fan of parties, everyone just ends up skinny dipping or pregnant, but as long as there's alcohol I won't complain.
"Pleaseeee come with meeee, we'll look so hottttt" Zia said
"Ugh fine" I quickly flick through the dresses hanging up in my wardrobe. My fingers glide onto the perfect dress. A sexy white strapless lace dress. Perfect.
"Ok Friday night I'll be at your house at 5. We can get ready together! I've got to go, love youuuuuu" Zia hangs up.
I scroll through Pinterest to find the perfect makeup look to match my lovely dress. I'm surprisingly good at makeup, maybe it's because I've been doing a full face of makeup since eleven.


Friday quickly comes around and I tidy my room before Zia gets here, when I open the door she's standing there with a wide grin. She's already in her outfit and she looks great, she's wearing a peach body-con dress. We blare out music and giggle while slowly getting ready. We spill eyeshadow everywhere and knock over a can of red bull over my bed but it was ok as we had a good time. When I come out the bathroom in my dress Zia is shocked.
"AHH YOU LOOK GREAT! slaggy yet classy!" She squeals more as I carefully do my makeup. Silver glitter on my eyelids and massive eyeliner, I feel great in my outfit. I don't normally make too much of an effort for parties but this feels different and I'm always overdressed anyways.
When it's time we call a taxi and drive to Zachs house. It's a grand detached house, there are already a few teens outside vaping including Zach. When Zach recognises Zia he embraces her and leads us inside. The world around me is overwhelming. Music banged in my brain, teens filling their bodies with smoke, substances and peoples tongues. LED Lights flashing through the corridor. Zach leads us to the kitchen counter filled with an array of bottles filled with vodka.
"Yo let's do some shots" Zia pours four shot glasses of vodka.
I down the first one, The feeling of the strong liquid cutting through my throat, the warmth travelling to my stomach.  After a few more shots something feels off, like I'm supposed to be having fun but stress is boiling to the surface inside me. I feel agitated.
"woah this is grea-" Zia shouts in my ear but its no use, I can't hear her over the music.
"Hello-" Zia gets pulled into a corner by Zach, his tongue searching her mouth.
In a moment of blindness, I join the dance floor. I'm not the sort of person who has one night stands and random kisses but tonight I feel different. My vision turns blurry and the lights shine bright into my eyes as I sway to the beat. I feel something on my ass and a touch on my lip. I push the person onto the wall and thrust my lips up against them. In my mind I imagine the perfect person that loves me more than everything, passion for me coursing through their veins. My eyes snap out of my daydream and I open my eyes to reality. The "perfect person" pushes me to the floor and laugh. He is just a random person. What am I doing?!
My eyes fill with salty water and with a realisation of my loneliness I run into the array of bottles. I HAVE to leave. Only to find Zia exploring every crevice of a mans mouth in the corner. I grab a bottle and storm out the house, the hallways spinning and the ground moving.
I kick my heels off and start walking home. Anger and sadness boiling up inside me, my swollen brain begging for a sign.

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