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I heard the chirping of birds and a cool breeze on my skin as I felt the weight of sleep leaving my body. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Lucas's face. He was still asleep with his lips parted and his shoulders rising up and down. I rolled onto my side and smiled. He looked peaceful as he slept, reminding me of a child. I raised my hand toward his face and shifted a lock of his hair off his forehead. He jerked a bit and turned his head away. I stifled my laughter as he backed me.

I shook my head and lay on my back, staring at the ceiling. I curled my fingers and that was when I felt a heavy feeling on my finger which reminded me that Lucas had given me a promise ring. I felt my cheeks heat up at the memory of last night and how he had confessed to loving me.

I raised my hand and stared at the diamond ring. It looked so real and I knew it was real because Lucas would do such a thing. He was so crazy to buy such an expensive ring that wasn't even for a marriage proposal but a promise ring. If there was a competition for the craziest being alive, Lucas would win consecutively.

When the bed moved, I looked at his strong back and bit my lip at the red marks from my nails. We had gone at each other throughout the night until dawn. Lucas had become so insatiable each time we said we loved each other.

My stomach growled and I knew it was time to eat. I sat up and gently got out of bed to not wake Lucas up. I hissed at the slight ache on my muscles and core as I walked around the bed to where the wardrobe was. I opened it and took one of his shirts which I quickly slipped on before leaving the room. I went to the kitchen and looked through the small food items we had.

After putting out the few things I needed to make breakfast, my phone rang. I became still at the loud sound and then glanced at Lucas who rolled over on the bed. I looked at my bag that was on the floor of the living room and rushed to it. I unzipped the bag and took out the phone, silencing it in the process. I glared at the screen, especially the unknown number.

"Who the fuck is calling me?" I asked and hesitated. I didn't know who owned the number, so it was hard for me to answer straight away.

I let the phone ring to a stop before making my way back to the kitchen. Not even up to two seconds later, the phone rang again and I silenced the call. I sighed and accepted the call then placed the phone against my ear.

"Who is this?" I asked, not in the mood to talk on the phone. I had food on my mind.

No one spoke, making me raise my eyebrow. I scoffed and ended the call then started cooking breakfast. By the time I was done, Lucas was awake and sitting on the bed. I smiled and made my way to the room. He turned his head the moment I made my presence known and a smile adorned his sleep-marked face.

I walked over to his side and sat beside him on the bed, then wrapped my arm around his torso.

"Good morning," I said and he kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning, baby. How are you?" He asked and I tilted my head away from his shoulder to look at his face.

There were still traces of sleep on his face and his hair, disheveled.

"I'm good. Are you hungry? I made breakfast."

Lucas leaned down and kissed my lips. He pulled away and ruffled my hair, causing it to frame my face.

"Hm, I am. Thank you for your breakfast. I am so hungry," he said and rose from the bed after I moved away from him.

I stood up and noticed he had his hand out for me to hold. I smiled and slipped mine to his. I squealed when he pulled me close to his body. He turned me around and hugged me from behind.

"Last night was the most beautiful night for me," he whispered in my ear. "I still can't believe that I am in love and that I am loved."

I bowed my head in shyness even though he could barely see my face. I placed my hands on his that were resting on my stomach. His skin tone was paler than mine, creating a nice contrast between us.

"Me too. I still cannot believe that I made a guy love me. If anyone told me that I was going to fall in love and be loved, I'd think they were crazy. I'm happy, Lucas and it's all because of you," I confessed and shuddered when he kissed my neck.

"You make me feel special. Thank you for being mine," he whispered and kissed my neck again.

"Yeah. Now, let's go eat. I'm hungry."

I rushed out of his protective hold and grabbed his hand, leading him out of the room and straight to the kitchen. My phone rang again and I rolled my eyes before walking over to it. I saw it was the same number and I wanted to ignore it but I needed to tell whoever it was off before blocking them. I grabbed my phone off the counter and signaled at Lucas to give me a second to which he nodded at.

I crossed the room and went out of the house through the glass sliding doors. I answered the call and sat on one of the chairs outside while enjoying the cool breeze from the ocean.

"Listen here. If this is some sort of a prank call or some joke, stop it! If you're not going to say anything, stop calling me. I'm blocking you once this call is done!"

I waited for three seconds so the person would speak and still, they said nothing. I made a move to take the phone away from my ear when I heard a sigh.

"Dear, it's me."

I gulped at the sound of my mother's voice. I felt as if my heart dropped in my stomach and an uncomfortable heat took over my body, even the breeze could not take it away.

"What?!" I was stunned that I didn't know when I raised my voice out of shock.

"Jackie, please. Can we meet?"

A/n: Lol, more drama is coming. Brace yourself.

Updates will be quicker these days because I need to finish this book in preparation for the Wattys Award.

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