chapter ten

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"Dress, shoes, card, gift. I have everything I need mom, just like I told you."

"Going over the checklist one last time isn't a bad thing, Sadie Elizabeth. You should be thankful I help you remember these things. I will see you later at the party."

I don't want to argue, so I grab all of my things and mutter a quick goodbye before shutting the car door and running into Ella's house. Her party starts at seven, but she asked everyone in the court to be at her house at four, so we could all get our hair and makeup done together.

As soon as I walk into Ella's living room, my jaw is on the floor. Her dress is an off-white color with gold details, which compliment her dark hair and her blue eyes perfectly.

"I know right?" Adam says, laughing at me as I stare at Ella. "I'm dating the prettiest girl at Eden Hall."

"In you dreams Banks." I snort, regaining my ability to act like a normal person. "Ella is actually dating me and Morgan, you should know that by now."

"Yeah okay, whatever you say."

"Both of you shut up." Ella calls from the styling chair. "You guys are making me laugh and I don't want to mess up my makeup. Speaking of which, Sadie, you're next."

I give her a thumbs up before turning my attention to the knocks coming from the front door. I run over and open it to reveal Morgan, Connie, Julie, Faith, Lily, Addison, and Aaliyah.

I greet each one of them before leading them into the living room. They all have the same reaction as me when they see Ella, which makes her smile. The makeup artist is just finishing her makeup, as she fans away the setting spray she used to set Ella's look in place.

Everyone starts cheering and complimenting her, while she just smiles humbly. That's one of the many things I love about Ella. She knows she's gorgeous, but she never flaunts it.

The commotion finally dies down, and Ella drags me over to the chair and I start to get my hair curled and makeup done. An hour and a half later, we're all ready and hopping into the party bus that's taking us to the venue. When we get there, we are immediately ushered through the club and outside to start taking pictures.

By the time seven rolls around, my mouth and jaw are hurting from smiling so much. We make our way inside and started mingling until we are called into the back for our introductions. The court comes out first, with the order being Julie and Connie, Lily and Addison, Aaliyah and Faith, and then finally me and Morgan.

When we are all in the center of the dance floor, the MC gets us all pumped up for Ella's announcement. "And here she is, the reason we are all here tonight to celebrate! Please put your hands together and welcome the birthday girl, ELLA!!"

The doors open to reveal Ella, who is on Adam's shoulders. We all start screaming and cheering, as Ella gets everyone pumped up while in the air. Adam eventually lets her down and gives her a kiss before they finally separate. Ella comes over to us and drags us onto the dance floor, while Adam goes over to the Ducks.

From the intros until dinner time, I dance, party, and actually let loose. As the dinner line starts to become long, Ella suddenly drags me away from my spot in line. "What was that for? I'm hungry."

"Why haven't you been talking to Charlie?"

I quickly cover my face with my hands. "Ella, not right now. It's your night."

"Sadie, tell me. You guys were so awkward at homecoming, and tonight isn't the night to ignore each other. What's going on?"

"El please." I say softly. "This is your night. I don't want to ruin it with unnecessary drama."

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