chapter 5: Shouting day

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Alexander POV
"I can't believe you didn't tell me are you sure there nothing wrong with you both in fact you are fired."

"Please sir I don't have any other job please I have a family to take care of." The man begged.

Alex thought for a while "In that case you will be transferred to the 3rd branch as the executive I can't have you as my director you are a fool."

"Thank you sir." He bowed his head in respect and gratitude.

"As for you I think I will have you transferred to the 5th branch as a clerk."


"Should I make you an errant boy instead??" He glared at the guy in front of him.

"No, thank you sir." He practically ran out of the office.

I pressed my hands against my head, sighing out of tiredness,a knock on my door jolted me out of my thoughts. "come in".

"it's you Micheal." Michigan was my assistant or P.A
"Sir you have a meeting in 5 minutes with the king:cr international and after that at 1:30 you have to address the staff on the business and salary reductions and the new disciplinary method
Then 2:30 you have to finish signing the files left from yesterday plus today when your mum cleared your shedule
You also have to process the transfer of two staff their requirements and salary details by 3:45
By 4:00 you have your coffee break till 4:05
By 4:10 you have a meeting with the ceo of xichiang. ENG wants to talk about the slow rate of the jewellery's production.
Then by 5:00 you have to meet the stock enterprise regarding the AX new enterprise you are establishing without any body's knowledge but mine
That's still 7:00
Then you can talk about your flights in Italy, Miami, London and when you'll like to inform the investors of the meet according your comfortabilty, also because With your assistant so that they can get the jet ready. From 7:00 to 7:45. Then miss Andre
Owner of AA fashion world has requested a meeting at exactly 8:00 pm she wants it quiet and in a place where the press can't access."

Micheal paused for a while, observing his boss before continuing his was sure his boss was use to this method after all it was his ideas so that they can work on speed.

"I just read your daily activities under 15 minutes you have 2 minutes to process and get started."

Alex watched as the assistant left as soon he finished reading his schedule.

"Why didn't I become a stripper I mean I look good?." He muttered under his breath.

Andre POV
So it 7:40 and I am on my 2nd coffee break and I got a phone call from an unknown number

Andre: who's on the line and how may I help you

Unknown number: you know you sound so corporate for your style
Andre :who is this what's your name and again how may I help you (I pressed a button on my desk my assistant came and I snapped and twisted my finger and she understood)

Unknown number:guess am not telling you,I enjoy you being serious
(Andre assistant walk back in with a pad and hands it over)

Andre: so if it isn't Armani model 101#pig smirk

Unknown number: so you found out

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