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"You have superhuman strength as well. How could this be?" A younger Reginald acknowledged as he looked down at the girl, who was now staring up at him through her big violet orbs, an unrecognizable expression on her face. In fact, there was none, she looked utterly and unconditionally emotionless. Everyone knew #8 was an unusual child, having an unnatural dark violet, almost blue hair color, a sickly white complexion, and those eyes. The eyes which could fuel your dreams and haunt your nightmares all at the same time.

"But father!" #1 whined as he heard what he had said to his sister, "I am one! I have super strength!" He yelled as the other siblings watched on in either envy, amusement, or shock. Envy because #8 has yet another new power. She already had 3, why did she get another one when everyone else only had one? 

#8 could feel most people's hate towards her right now and she hated it, she could feel how #3 wanted her ravens to peck her eyes out, and she could feel how #1 oh so wanted to be better than her, get the praise more than her, to be rid of her. 

She felt Alphonso, Jayme, and Christopher be amused by all this, like #8 was a laughing stock. #8 could feel herself become very insecure very fast by all the thoughts running through the people's heads around her.

'First empathy, mind reading, and levitation, now super strength? Very powerful indeed, she is a good asset to the sparrows.' Her father thought,

'My power! How could she have my power!' - #1

'She's so powerful! That's cool.' - #2

'Why does she get everything! I want my ravens to kill her!' - #3

'#8 is such a weirdo.' - #4

'Is #8 okay?' - #5

'This is funny, #1 is getting mad, #8 looks like she going to cry, what a baby.' - #6

'#8 is a CRYBABY! HAHAHA' - #7

Getting done with all these thoughts running through who she thought to be her brothers and sister's mind all she could fill was an anger, a wave of bone-chilling, dangerous anger running deep within. Her feet left the ground as she hovered up, her arms wide as Sloane mistook her for Jesus on the cross. Balls of violet and black shadows surrounded her hands, her once violet orbs turned a sooty black, no white parts to even be seen as black skinny veins ran from her eyes throughout her whole body. Violet and black horns came up from her forehead as blood spread around those areas.

Sloane wailed a blood-curdling scream at the scene in front of them 

"STOP!" #8 yelled but it wasn't her normal voice, it was deep, dark, and disturbing. Reginald dropped his pen and notepad in pure shock as the children all tried to run, Pogo was trying to get his master to go and Grace was on her knees praying to what she thought was Satan. #8 was too fast, in a period of one second all the people in the house were knocked out, looking dead as their bones cracked in weird ways and unnatural shapes their mouths were open as they tried to scream but no noise would come out. All of their eyes turned a bright abnormal purple as they all experienced their worst nightmares, once that made people try to kill themselves.

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