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K I N S L E Y ' S   P O V

   I've been rolling around in bed for literally 8 hours now. Ive been up most of the night worried about my family and what they were going to think of me.

   And on top of all that, Matteo made me sit down in his office and have a face to face talk only him and I about this group of boys. But, he said he approved of me being friends whit them which I was so so happy for.

   Roman wasn't a big fan of the idea, even Andrea was weary about the whole thing. But in the end it didn't really matter because I no longer had to be secretive about being friends with them.

   I looked over at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock. 5:15. I groaned, getting out of bed for the twentieth time tonight. I walked into my closet, picking out a pair of sweatpants and one of my brothers hoodies.

   I didn't have time to care about my appearance today, all I was worried about was my lack of sleep. After getting dressed, I moved my way to the bathroom. I put my hair in a low ponytail then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my bag from the corner and decided I would make my way downstairs.

   On my way, I heard voice's from the kitchen. The last time I ease dropped right here, I ended up getting my feelings hurt. But I listened anyways, what's another detail?

   "Why would you allow her to be friends with someone like them? They are no good." Roman complained. "We made a deal, Ro, and you can see they obviously have fun with each other so why not just allow them to be friends?" Matteo said.

   "A deal?" Roman asked, slamming one of the cabinets. That was one of his specialties by the way- "Yea. They would protect her, they would get more money. They were very reluctant to agree but they did." Matteo explained.

   I felt my mouth drop open. I should have known there was a reason for his random change of rule. I went up a few steps, then stomped down the rest to indicate I was coming down.

   "God, Luca do you have to- Kins?" Matteo asked, a confused look plastered on his face. "What?" I said, moving to get a glass of water.

   "Why are you up, it's not even 8 yet." Roman said, "Are you feeling ok?" Matteo asked, putting his phone on the counter. I shook my head. "Couldn't sleep." The bags under my eyes would indicate that.

   "I can see that. Why?" He got up from his seat, placing the bowl of whatever he had in the sink. "I was up all night worrying about the family that's coming in." I said, placing my head in my hands.

   Matteo chuckled, "I told you, they already love you. You were up all night for that?" He said, moving over to where I was. I only nodded, closing my eyes. "Go back upstairs and try to get some sleep. If you end up falling asleep, I'll take you to school at like 11." He said, ordering me to go.

   I didn't complain. I nodded again, giving Matteo a side hug and walking back upstairs. "Does that mean I can stay to?" Roman asked. Matteo scoffed, "Oh you're serious?"

   I dropped my bag by the door, slipping off my shoes. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.


   "Kins, wake up." Matteo said, shaking me slightly. I rolled over. "Five more minutes." He laughed, "Come on, Roman said if you weren't there by lunch time he was personally going to drag you in by your ear."

   I groaned and rolled out of bed. "Come on. We have about 15 minutes till your lunch block." He looked at his wrist watch. I grabbed my bag and shoes and followed his down to the garage. "Pick a car." He said, standing in front of cars.

   "Which ones yours?" I asked, looking at the different ones. He pointed to the black Audi R8. I smiled. "That one."

   A short 10 minutes later we arrived at the front of the school. "Have a great day. And please don't stress about later, ok?" He said, unlocking the doors. "I can't promise you, but i'll try." I smiled, getting out of the car.

   I walked in when the bell rung and everyone was rushing to the cafeteria to get the fantastic pizza they were serving. I went to my locker, putting my bag in its spot and grabbing my water.

   "Kinssssss I missed you." Owen said, leaving his group and running over to me. I laughed, "I'm soooo tired." I said, leaning against my locker. "Well come on. You can sleep during lunch." He said, dragging me behind him.

   "Let the poor girl go, Owen." Tate said, "Someone give me a fucking piggyback ride or something cause I feel like I'm going to fall asleep standing up." I groaned. The group laughed, well all except Jhett and Keaton.

   "You look like shit." Keaton said, moving in front of me. "I wasn't aware, thanks." I said, trying to move around him. "Hop on." My eyes widened, "I was just joking, I can walk." "You weren't joking. Come on." He said, dragging me behind him.

   When we got to the table, I slammed my head on the table. "You know, you could have told my brother no. I don't need any of your protection." I said. It was silent for a minute. I looked up and they were all staring at me. "How'd you figure that out? And the only way we would be able to be friends was if we did this deal." Keaton whispered.

   I shrugged, "I walked downstairs while they were talking about it this morning. And we were literally already friends before this stupid deal so whys it matter?" I said laying my head back down.

   "Yea, in secret." He protested. "Like you care whats in secret!" He groaned, "Kinsley, we can actually be friends now without your brother getting pissed off at us. We didn't even have a choice about this stupid deal!" He said, throwing his hands up in the air.

   "You didn't have a choice?" I asked. They nodded, "We told him we were already friends and the deal didn't really matter. We were gonna look after you even if we got paid more or not." Owen said, pushing his tray away from him.

   "So my brothers basically forcing you to be friends with me?" I said, looking around. "We were the ones that talked to you first weren't we? Owen thought you looked nice, we were already planning on being friends with you." Tate explained.

   "You worry to much." Jhett said. Now the attention was on him. "What?" He said, raising his hands. "That's the most i've ever heard you say." I said, a smirk sat on his face. "Anyways, you do worry a lot." Keaton said, "You should worry less."

   "Saying it is a hell of a lot easier then actually doing it." I said. "You know your brothers been giving me the death stare this whole lunch time." Keaton whispered. I nodded, "I just ignore him." Keaton took a deep breath, "Saying it is a hell of a lot easier then actually doing it." He said in the girliest voice.

   I slapped his arm. "You're not funny." "You think so."

god he is soo annoying.


i had very bad writers block on this one-

<3- k

BTWWWW thank you all so so much for the votes and the reads! I appreciate it so much more than you think!!

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