Ch-25{Truth got out}

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•| Ashi's pov |•

"What are our photos doing here?" Sid asked shocked but his voice seemed angry..

"I don't know" I whispered as my voice didn't came out..

My sister is spying on me?

I immediately stood up and took the envelope from the table with shaky hands it was the same envelope that I kept a few minutes ago..

Ok let's open it..

After opening it I took out whatever was in it..

"What the freaking hell!!" Sid was shocked but more than him I was shocked..

The envelope contained photos of me..I was unconscious lying on grass..

Can by any chance this place can be that forest?

And my thoughts were interrupted by someone's footsteps..OfCourse of Manushi..

"What are you doing in my room?" She asked but a fear erupted on her face when she saw phots in my hands..

I took a step towards her..

"I want answer" I said showing her my photo asking her what was my photo doing with her and mentally praying that she should not be behind all this mess..

She for a second showed fear but the next moment it was replaced by a smirk..She was looking like a physco..

"Manushi why are ashi's photos in your room?" Sid asked calmly but I can see he was controlling his anger..

"Ohh so now you want to know?" Manushi said laughing..

What on the earth is wrong with this girl?

"So you wanna know?..Then listen I was behind everything you suffered till now..I was the one behind sending those mens to rape you but those idiots came without doing anything so I punished them" She said..

"Punished?" Sid asked..

"Yup..I sent them to you so you can do whatever you want..If I didn't wanted then you investigator woukd never have found them" She said with an evil smirk..

"You wanna know more?..I kidnapped you and gave money to a gang to kill you..But they threw you in that park so I killed them" She said laughing like a manic..

"Why?" I was only able to whisper this..

Why does my sister wants to kill me..She was behind everything..She was the reason of my every pain..Why she hates me this much?

"Because you were always good..You were intelligent in school and college and everyone talked about you instead of me..You got an actor husband when I deserved it..You were 1st in everything but what about me?..My father loved you more than me so why should I leave you..Huh?" She poured all her hatred..

"You are wrong uncle loves you more..He never showed but he loves you..You had a mother but auntie never cared about me..And was it my fault that I loved studies?" I asked as tear pricked my eyes..

"And what about sid?..I wanted to marry him but you got married" She snapped..

"Sid's parents liked me more than you" I said lowly..

"Ohh cut that crap..I am sure you did some magic on them..You surely manipulated th-"  She was cut by sid's slap..

I gasped loudly looking at both of me with wide eyes..

"Shut up..Dare you say anything about her" Sid Sid standing infront of me..

"Why are you taking her side?..I know sid you are not happy with this marriage..She is a burden on you..Divorce her and marry me" She said angrily looking at me..

"Marry you? And divorce her? Let me tell you she is 1000 time better than you..And about me being happy than I am very happy you don't have to tell me what to do" Sid said..

"But sid.." She said taking a step towards us..

"Get out of my house before I call police and they arrest you in try of mudering you sister..And this is first and last warning don't ever come near My Wife" He said..

Manushi stomped her foot before looking at me with pure disgust and mouthing 'You will pay for it' to me and went out..


It's 2 days since Manushi went away..And I still can't believe that she tried to kill me..God so much hatred she had for me..

"Ashi..Will you come out?..We need to talk" Sid said knocking our bedroom door..

I have been ignoring him since last two days..Because Manushi's words kept playing in my head like radio

'I know sid you are not happy with this marriage..She is a burden on you'

She is Somewhat right..Sid was forced to marry me..I am a burden on him..He should be free from me but what can I do I don't want him to go away from me..

I have got a habit of him..A habit of annoying him,A habit of talking freely with him,A habit of seeking his attention,a habit of getting his care..I don't think I can live without him a day..

Let's be honest,I am starting to like him or maybe I am falling for him..I'm still confused about my feelings..But one thing is sure that I don't want him,I need him in my every step..

The knocking on the door got silent which indicates he had left..

I sighed..He don't deserve me..But I am too selfish to let him go..Maybe he likes me too?

But what do I have to make him fall for me?..I am just a ordinary girl from a small town..And he,he is most successful actor of India..He has all features a girl wants in his life partner..

In short..He is perfect!

But me?..I am not his type..I remember his words that he said to me on my second day of marriage..

'You married me for money,I will give u money as much as u want but just..Just leave me alone..Give me divorce..Make me free from this caged life' His words still rings in my mind..

He is caged..with me..He wants to be free and live his life..I can't spoil his life with me..

I sighned and looked at the clock..It's 12:05..I was in so much thoughts that I didn't even notice the time..

I walked towards the balcony of our room to see the midnight sky full of twinkling stars because sleep was far away from my eyes..

As I gripped on the cold railing of balcony soft breeze started blowing..I looked at the sky which looked like a cluster of white sparkling dots..It's the best view I look at when I can't sleep..

My eyes roamed here and there enjoying the atmosphere until they spotted a figure standing in garden of our penthouse..

He looked like sid..Not only look..He is sid..What is he doing there in midnight?


Late updated,I know..I am just stuck in my holiday homework as my school is reopening soon..
Next chapter would be sid's past!
Exicted for that or nah?..Tell me in comment section..

Ignore my grammar mistakes❤


Lots of love to you guys,

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