Chapter 1 - Introducing Freen Sarocha Chankima

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3rd Person's POV

The sound of motorcycle echoing around Armstrong Enterprises entrance catches the attention of people, there goes Freen with her all black leather suit going down her bike.

"Good morning hot stuff" Yaya one of Freen's fling greeted her that made her smirk.

"Good morning gorgeous" Freen greeted back with a wink that made Yaya squeal. Freen then continued her way inside the building holding her helmet on one hand while her other hand presses the button of the elevator. Arriving at the top floor of the building where her office stands her secretary Nam welcomed her with a teasing smile.

"King Sarocha's late again" teased Nam which make Freen roll her eyes since she knows that Nam has an idea with her reason for being late again.

"Whatever Nam, please prepare my schedule and a cup of coffee pretty please" said Freen while massaging her aching head. Nam just nod with a teasing smile again and then she's gone to prepare Freen's request. Freen sighed as she sat down, partying on a Monday night is a bad decision after all Freen thought as she closed her eyes but her peace was disturbed when someone barged in.

"Freen" a deep man's voice woke Freen up from her trance.

"Hello Uncle Anton" Freen stood up to greet the old guy. Anton Armstrong, one of the richest man in the world and the one who took care of Freen when she lost her parents at a young age.

"How are you?" Her Uncle Anton asked.

"I'm good uncle" responded Freen.

"Well I just came here to let you know that my princess is coming back and I wanted you to fetch her at the airport" said the old guy. This information made Freen's heart beat abnormally. Princess, her little Beckbeck, the love of her life Uncle Anton's Princess Rebecca Patricia Armstrong.

"Earth to Freen" said Uncle Anton when he noticed that Freen seems to be spacing out.

Keeping her cool Freen responded "When is she coming back?"

"Tomorrow" said her uncle. Freen nodded.

"Bring her straight home and you need to be there I am going to prepare a small welcome party for her. I won't take no for an answer. Please be there Freen" pleaded her uncle.

"Will do uncle" said Freen. His uncle then stood up gave a pat on her shoulder then he left her. Freen's leg turned jelly after her uncle dropped the news that the love of her life is coming back and she would see her after so many years she's finally going to see her tomorrow. The thought made her smile so wide that she didn't noticed Nam entered her office.

"Looks like you got laid last night" teased Nam as she us putting down the coffee Freen requested.

"Shut-up Nam you can't kill my vibe today. Finally Nam I'm gonna see the LOML again" Freen smiled widely.

"You mean Becky, our little Beckbeck she's coming back?" Nam asked shocked.

"Yes" Freen responded shortly but still she can't erase the wide smile on her face knowing that she's close on seeing her love Becky.

Lemme know your thoughts. Will try to update again tomorrow. Thank you.

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