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Wilmington Arms Compton, Ca.
Breon| B3 POV

I put my key in mrs. Tasha door, I haven't been over here too much lately because I know Diamontè hates me so much right now.

"Hey boy." Pops said.

"Why you look so down?" He asked.

"What's there to smile about." I said.

"Well you're breathing." He said.

"You right, but i'm not happy." I said.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Tae." I said.

"Oh boy you did that to yourself." He said.

"Where she at anyways?" I asked.

"Well she went to the mall with that Aubrey girl and her coworker they had a few guys with them too." Pops said making me jump up.

"WHAT?" I said.

"Boy you better stop yelling in my house before I show you WHAT these fists do." Pops said.

"Now settle down, I didn't mean to get your panties in a bunch." Pops said laughing.

"How are you laughing at a time like this?" I asked.

"Um it's about four o'clock it's a great time to laugh." He said chuckling.

"See if I didn't know any better I would think you LOVE my grandaughter." Pops said.

"Pops i'ma marry your granddaughter and give you great grandchildren." I said.

"WOAH na I don't want no more kids in my house already had 3 generations up in here I don't want to see a baby for the rest of my days." He said.

Suddenly Aubrey and Tae walks in the door holding Aubrey niece.

"Hey little baby." Pops said reaching for him.

This man just- never mind.

"C'mon baby we have to change you little man." Aubrey said.

"Pops can you change him please?" She asked.

"I not the pappy." Pops said.

"Please?" She asked.

"Okay since you need help so bad." He said.

"Uh Tae you left your- I'll give it to her." I said cutting off a tall dark skin boy that walked towards pops door.

"Thank you Semaj." Tae said grabbing it from me before walking away.

"You're welcome nice seeing you again." He said.

"You too." She responded before he walked away.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"A friend." She replied.

"He like you." I said.

"But I love you it's a difference." I added.

"Yeah well if you did you would've did what you done, have a nice day Bre." She said walking towards the back.

"Didn't I tell you it was a mistake." I said.

"Save the excuses." Aubrey said.

"AHHH come get the hooligan he just peed on me." Pops said.

"You was taking to long boys pee as soon as their wee-wee hit the air." Aubrey said.

"Nobody told him to go R-kelly on me next time i'ma hog tie him to the chair." Pops said standing up.

"I DON'T KNOW HOW TO HOG TIE PEOPLE WHY WOULD I HOG TIE HA!" Pops said making Aubrey bust out laughing.

"He a fool." She said.

"Tae i'm sorry a million times." I said.

"Sorry isn't going to change things, just leave it alone I don't feel like talking about it." She said closing her door in my face.

"Me personally." Pops said.

"You're 60." I said.

"And you 21 but ain't a savage cause i'll do you something boy, they use to call me whoop it willy back in my days on crip." He said.

"You need a daily nap isn't that what elderly people like." I said.

"Yeah okay, you just mad Tae don't want you bozo." Pops said.

"Yeah i'm out." I said grabbing my keys.

"Good because you was never in." Pops said.


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