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Drew rolled his eyes, a smile tugging on his lips. "I should have known, you nosy bastards."

Carter whined, "C'mon, tell us! I've just been dying to hear all about my future cousin-in-law!"

Drew blushed, "Don't be ridiculous! We've only been dating for a few weeks, it's way too soon for any kind of talk like that!"

Oliver smirked knowingly, "Ahah, I see the thought of marrying a certain someone doesn't repulse you like I was sure it would."

"W-what? Stop being stupid!" Drew hid his face in his hands, but the tips of his ears were red.

"Aww, Drewsie's blushing!" Carter shrieked, clapping his hands like a ten-year-old girl instead of the twenty-six-year-old man he was.

Oliver sat down next to Drew and deposited Carter in his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist and setting his chin on his shoulder. "Spill or I'll tickle you into submission."

Drew held up his hands, "Fine, fine. What do you wanna know?"

"Have you kissed?" Carter yelled.

Asking the important questions, I see.

"That's none of your business!"

"YOU HAVE! My baby's growing up!" Carter wiggled around in happiness like an over excited puppy who didn't know what to do with himself.

Oliver groaned and put his hands on Carter's thin hips. "Stop grinding your ass into my crotch, babe. You're making me hard."

"EW! I DID NOT NEED TO HEAR THAT, YOU NASTIES!" Drew screamed, covering his eyes. "My poor virgin eyes!"

"Stop corrupting my son!" Christie yelled from the living room where she and Blake were currently attempting to wrestle the larger-than-life bear into a box.

Oliver rolled his eyes, "I might be a little sorry if I hadn't read that chapter you wrote of Bitter. More like my virgin eyes. Is Lance okay? Did he have to get his ass stitched back together?"

Drew sputtered before throwing up his hands. "Goodbye!"

"Alright, alright, sorry. Come back, Drew. I love you!" Oliver called after Drew who marched firmly out of the room.

Drew responded with a middle finger held high. "Screw you, Oliver!"

"That's my job!" Carter yelled back, earning him a pinch on the ass from his mischievous husband.

Blake glanced up from where he was trying to shove the bear into a box six sizes too small by sitting on it while Christie, being ever so helpful, sat on the couch drinking coffee. "There you are; help me with this, would you?"

Drew looked doubtfully at the box. "You do realize there's no way in heaven or hell that that bear is fitting in that box?"

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Not wrap it? It's a perfectly viable option."

"But then he'll know what it is!"

"To be honest here, even if you fit it in that box, there's still only two things it could be: the bear, or the hooker cake I wanted you to get."

Christie choked on her coffee, "A hooker cake?"

Drew shrugged innocently, "What? Blake was gonna be the hooker, so it's not illegal or anything."

Christie just sat back and shook her head, "Nope, not dealing with this right now."

"Me every day," Blake muttered, jumping on the bear one last time.

With a ripping noise, the cardboard box split down the middle and Blake stumbled forward and tripped over a chair, doing a funny little skip to try and regain his balance before he lost it and crashed into the coffee table, taking it down with him. He let out a little scream as the bowl of thick cream Christie liked to put in her coffee spilled all over him, drenching his hair and shirt, as well as the front of his pants. "Dammit!" He spat out a glob of cream. "I hate cream!" He flung a few drops of gooey cream off his hands before gasping. "Is the bear okay?"

The bear was fine, aside from the left arm that had been splattered with a couple drops of creamer. Blake sighed.

Drew snorted, biting his lip hard enough to bring tears to his eyes as he tried not to laugh at the pathetic creature that was his best friend. "Come on, you dork, I'll get you a change of clothes."

Christie just shook her head, muttering something about expensive cream imported from Greece gone to waste.

Drew snickered at the looks he got from Carter and Oliver as they passed them in the kitchen. Then again, a damp Blake with sticky white stuff all over him was certainly a rarity.

"It's cream," he tossed over his shoulder.



Drew sorted through his t-shirts before picking up a white one that always made him laugh; it had a red apple on it with the words "Bite me" scribbled across it. He handed it to Blake who looked at it skeptically before shrugging off his shirt and slipping on the t-shirt. It was pretty big on Drew so it covered Blake down to his upper thighs.

"And your pants. I have some shorts you can borrow," Drew said as he tossed some old clothes out of his dresser. "When did I even buy this?" he muttered to himself, holding up a button up shirt that was a horrid puce color. He shuddered and threw it in the garbage. "Aha! Got it!"

He handed a pair of black shorts to Blake who accepted them gratefully before unzipping his pants and tugging them down. "Remind me to never wear skinny jeans ever again," he grumbled, "the bloody things are impossible to get off."

"But they make your ass look fantastic," Drew laughed, smacking Blake's ass as he left the room, ignoring Blake's indignant squawk.

Jared was already gone from his mind.

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