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wtf cory?

what have I done now

you're playing games with

no I'm not😂😂

oh so you're not using
her just because you
think she's fit?

no? why would I?

because it's what you
always do cory

well maybe this time it's

you expect me to believe that?

it's the truth so yeah I do

I won't let you hurt her
because unlike you I actually
care about her and don't
want her to get hurt

ohhh it all makes sense now


you're just upset she chose
me and not you, you don't
actually think I'm playing a game
you just won't admit that she
doesn't want you

no not at all. I can just see
through you and know when
you're messing with a girl's

yeah yeah, whatever you say

and there's no way she would
actually like you , she's smarter
than that

oh yeah? she wasn't too smart
to kiss me though was she?

what do you mean?

she kissed me. we kissed,
you missed your chance


Love from Riz [Ackley Bridge]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang