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a/n wooooo we did it!!! 200 chapters !!!
and because yall loved my headcannons back from chapter 69, have a way more detailed lot of headcannons of every character i have included in here!!! at least i think so.
thank you once again for your support!! 💕💕


- out of all of the groups, this one is most like a real family, with fukuzawa literally adopting a bunch of adults through the ada
- honestly the only ones that dont give fukuzawa any shit is kunikida, tanizaki, kyouka and kenji. you can find them in a cafe every so often, drinking their respective hot drinks and complaining about the others
- speaking of the others, they all annoy everyone else working. and yes i firmly believe atsushi, naomi and yosano annoy fukuzawa as well. sometimes of their own accord and sometimes getting roped into shit by the others.

- as much as he loves annoying people in the ada i think he would respect certain boundaries that they have and understand if they are having a bad day or something similar
- would blast shitty music at loud volumes for fun
- does not have healthy eating patterns. if you do see him eating it would probably be junk food
- not academically smart but very smart when it comes to people ( i mean he was killing people from 15 years old so not much chance for education)
- would either buy the cheapest clothes he can find or the most expensive ones. no in between.
- as for his love life, i definitely think he and chuuya argue a lot but more in a joke way, and even though he annoys chuuya he still loves him a lot
- thinks of atsushi as a little brother and would rather die than admit that, and he finds it weird having an almost-family again, and he loves the people in the ada and the fact that they are so nice to him despite everything

- gets dragged into mischief but secretly enjoys it
- he does lots of random things he didnt get to do as a kid, like trying various foods and watching shitty shows
- cares for akutagawa so much, and akutagawa is probably the first person atsushi can really care about.
- refuses to change his bizzare hair cut
- would make tea and coffee for the other ada members when he has nothing to do
- since he didn't really have any family, the ada is like his family and he thinks of ranpo and dazai as his older brothers but he wouldn't admit it cuz he thinks they would laugh at him, similarly he thinks of kenji and kyouka as his little siblings and does spoil them occasionally
- has a terrible sense of fashion, im not gonna try to deny it

- also has terrible eating patterns and will just eat candy, though i bet he didnt have the chance to as a kid which explains why he loves it so much now
- definitely thinks of fukuzawa as his dad. he accidentally called him dad once and was so embarrassed that he left to 'go buy sweets'
- he can actually ride the train, he is smart, he just doesnt like being alone
- yosano is definitely like his sister and she takes him clothes shopping because he prefers the clothes she picks over the ones he does
- dazai is like his brother too, they love causing mischief, and ranpo can always tell when something is bothering dazai, so he does something to distract him and help him without addressing it
- atsushi is like his little brother, kenji and kyouka are like his siblings too but mainly atsushi. i believe that when ranpo was younger he really wanted a little brother but never got one. he does now though :)
- would listen to asmr instead of music. poe hates it
- speaking of poe, ranpo loves to listen to poe read his books out loud as he falls asleep, and its one of the rare times ranpo feels happy and safe enough to sleep infront of others. definitely loves poe and his books though.

- our favourite ex maths teacher. he is definitely smart academically and would get annoyed at others stupidity but wouldn't get too angry as most of them didnt have childhoods, or a chance for education
- would definitely tutor some of the younger ones or anyone who wants it, mainly maths but also other life skills
- cares about everyone in the ada. yes, everyone. even dazai.
- respects fukuzawa and is loyal to the ada through and through.
- mentioned this before but he loves tea. would definitely have like 10 different loyalty cards to different cafes n shit.
- a pretty lady complimented his hair once and said it was nice that it was long and he's grown it out ever since that day despite never seeing her again
- his book of ideals is so random and chaotic but i think he writes so that he doesn't forget anything, as i think forgetting things and losing his memory are his worst fears.

∙𝙱𝚂𝙳 𝙸𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚀𝚞𝚘𝚝𝚎𝚜∙Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz