✧ pass it back and forth ✧

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pass it back and forth, by rocknroll1968

7864 words

published 12/6/17


Kurt fell over backwards out of his seat and landed on the floor with a loud exclamation. Dave was pretty sure this was deliberate. They hadn't done an interview this bad in a while; the guy asking the questions was a moron and seemed to know absolutely nothing about real music, never mind their own band. The dumbass actually pronounced it "Nervannuh". Kurt had been letting Krist have fun bullshitting his way through the interview as outrageously as possible while he and Dave offered supporting sarcastic remarks that went straight over the interviewer's head, and Dave could sense that Kurt had had enough long before he backed out in a literal sense. Dave and Krist followed Kurt's lead and got up to make a quick escape.

"Could you fucking believe that guy?" Kurt said as soon as they were out of ear-shot. He laughed incredulously. "Bay City fucking Rollers. He actually bought that shit."

"I know. Jesus Christ," Dave said, "You work in the music industry and somehow have no instinct that a band like that is not an influence on anybody, ever?"

"He was just one of those assholes who laughed at people like us at school, you know?" Krist said, retrieving a cigarette from Kurt's jacket pocket.

"Totally. And we still have to put up with them," Kurt replied, annoyed. He pulled his lighter out of a different pocket and handed it to Krist.

Krist paused to light the cigarette, taking a drag. "Well, joke's on them, we're the ones laughing now," he said. "How do you get a job being that clueless?" He handed the cigarette to Dave, who had a quick puff and made a smoke ring that floated lazily up over their heads.

Kurt gave Dave a friendly shove on the shoulder. "Show-off," he said, smirking. Dave grinned and did two more rings in quick succession, which Kurt jumped up to swat out of the air as they floated past him.

"Hey, I'll catch you guys later, ok?," Krist said, "I promised I'd give Shelli a call and she'll be getting off work soon."

"You just talked to her two days ago," Kurt complained, "why do you need to call again?"

"Well," Krist said slowly, "Contrary to some prevailing beliefs in this particular social circle, I am actually married to her, not you." As he said the word 'you' he poked Kurt on the end of his nose, regarding him fondly.

Kurt made a half-hearted glare at Krist. "Traitor," he said, and despite the twinkle in his eye Dave was not entirely sure he was joking.

"And anyway," Krist added, "We've been wanting to try phone-sex." He kept a perfectly straight face. At one time Dave would have thought he was serious, but he'd spent enough time around this goof now to know he was rarely serious about anything.

"Gross! Too much information," Dave exclaimed and he and Kurt looked at each other and broke into a simultaneous chorus of "Love Shack", which had been ear-worming its way through their touring crew all month.

"Dammit! No! I just got that out of my head!" Krist clapped his hands over his ears. He looked around wildly, and, spotting their touring van that was waiting to take the three of them back to the hotel, dashed off towards it. Dave and Kurt pursued him for a few yards, yowling the obnoxious lyrics to the song even louder than before, but soon gave up, laughing.

"Hey! You have the calling card, right?" Kurt yelled at Krist. He got a thumbs-up in response. "He's good," he said to Dave, "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

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