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Chapter 13: He Was Saved Once

However, the only thing Jiang Ze Yu received from Jiang Yu was cold indifference.

He was determined not to give up though and stepped on the throttle. He thought to himself, ‘If I go faster, Jiang Yu should become afraid right?’

What he received instead was Jiang Yu’s approval. She commented, “This speed is great.”

Jiang Ze Yu: ‘... Alright, I give up’

When they arrived at the Chinese medicine store, Jiang Yu hopped off the bike nimbly. She threw her helmet at Jiang Ze Yu and marched right into the store, taking the lead.

After parking the bike, Jiang Ze Yu walked in and heard Jiang Yu rattling off a long list of herb names to the shopkeeper. She did not even pause for breath.

Jiang Ze Yu was surprised. “Do you have knowledge in Chinese medicine?”

“Yes, a little.” Jiang Yu said.

However, she had said the names of the medicines too quickly and the shopkeeper failed to remember all of them. Jiang Yu asked for a pen and paper and wrote down the list for the shopkeeper instead.

As the shopkeeper went about retrieving the items, Jiang Ze Yu asked curiously, “Who are you buying all this medicine for? Is someone at home sick?”

“It is for myself.”

“You?” Jiang Ze Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise. “What’s wrong with you?”

“My throat.”

“Throat?” Jiang Ze Yu was taken aback. “I thought your voice was naturally like that. So it’s because you’re sick, I didn’t know your throat was inflamed. How did you hurt your throat?”

“I was trying to save someone but I got hurt instead,” Jiang Yu said simply.

“Save someone?” Jiang Ze Yu’s eyes widened. “You’re such a young lady, who were you trying to save? Don’t get yourself involved in anything dangerous! Other than your throat, do you feel discomfort anywhere else? Did you hurt anywhere else?”

He tried to pull Jiang Yu closer to him to check for any signs of abnormality on her body. Jiang Yu was not used to someone being so intimate with her. She quickly shook off his hand and took a step back.

She frowned and looked at Jiang Ze Yu unhappily, asking, “Weren’t you saved once before?”

“Yes, I have…” Jiang Ze Yu was stunned. “How did you know?”

Other than himself, only Song Bi knew of that incident. He has never told anyone else. How could she possibly know?

Jiang Yu was not interested in continuing the subject though. She commented nonchalantly, “You have a lot of questions today.”

Jiang Ze Yu was still lost in his thoughts. Early June last year, he was in a bad state of mind. He had gone joyriding in the mountains of Beijing and had crashed his car. When that happened, he was pinned inside his car and his legs were hurt.

The mountains were quiet at night. There was no one else around. He could not call for help as his phone signal was dead.

That night, he was dripping sweat from the pain. Seeing the amount of blood loss from his injured leg, he had felt hopeless and helpless. For the first time in his life, he felt death’s presence. He thought he was going to die on that mountain.

Suddenly, he heard a voice. The person asked, “Are you okay?”

It sounded like the voice of an angel.

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