old bones

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I finish my food as Sparky lays back. "So Patch, want to join me over here?" He pats the bed next to him. "Sure, just give a moment Sparks." I move the pizza boxes over to the trash, Then move onto the bed. He starts to snuggle up to me.

"So Sparky, did you enjoy tonight?" He wraps his arms around me bringing me close. "I did, but I still wanna make sure your okay." I put my head under Sparky's as I bury my face into his soft fur. "I'm alright Sparks, I just..." He starts patting my head.

"Let it out Patch, Im here to listen." He wants to know? I haven't spoken of her since... I need... I need to talk about this eventually. "Ever since my mother got sick, things have only gotten worse. My father changed into a uncaring man. My only friend turned his back on me." Sparky starts petting my head while I tear up.

"It's alright Patch just let it out. Just let it melt away." I don't want to cry. Not in front of him. But I can't stop, I feel weak. "Then I just wanted to get rid of everything and end it. Take everyone down with me. I couldn't handle..." Sparky holds me tight.

"I understand, its not easy to lose so much. You're still a good dog. Just let it out." I'm crying into Sparky's fur. Curling up into him. "I tried to get rid of all of you. Even after death I wanted to make them suffer. I just..." Sparky is petting my hair trying to calm me.

"Why did anyone even try save me? After everything why keep me around? I was just a cunt to all of you." Sparky puts both of his paws on my head. "No, you were emotional and you needed some help. We gave you that help. And you did end up putting the dogs back together. Who knows what mitt would do. I doubt they'd stick to their word."

Sparky continues to hold me while I slowly fall asleep on his chest. "Its going to be alright Patch." Poor guy, he's dealt with a lot. He looks peaceful just sleeping next to me. Maybe if he never lost his mother he'd have a better life. Maybe a better environment? I could see if he could stay with me.

I don't think this place is good for him. Maybe if he had somewhere better, no blood would ever be shed. I wonder how Coco and Angel will think of us dating. Hopefully they recognize the progress he's made.

I know olive wants to have a party soon. Something to look forward to. Maybe then I can talk to Coco. See what she thinks. I know Brownie doesn't like it, though I don't know why. I need to ask her about it.

"Mhm..." I never thought that he'd look so peaceful in his sleep. I think I should just join him for now. Poor pup, I put my arms on his back and try to drift to sleep.

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