Herrschers and Magus

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3rd Person P.O.V

Right now you're currently with Kiana, Mei and Bronya in the cafeteria.

Kiana: Neh, Y/N! what was that pink flower shield that you summoned against Durandal!

She continue to bombard you with questions and you could only sigh tiredly as both Mei and Bronya could only look at you in pity.

Kiana: What's was it called again, Raw Ass...?

Y/N: Da fu-- Ow!!

Then Mei smacked you from behind before you could even finished that sentence.

Mei: Language!

Y/N: Okay! Sheesh... It's Rho Aias not Raw Ass. -_-

Kiana/Mei: Rho Aias?

Y/N: Hai. It takes the form of a seven layered Bounded Field in the shape of an iridescent flower in reference to the rocket larkspur flower that bloomed from Aias' blood as he died, with seven petals representing the seven layers of oxhide. Each flower petal layer has the defensive power of a fortress wall.

You explained to them as Mei and Bronya have seems understand while Kiana is looking kinda very confused at your explanation.

Kiana: What?

All the three of you expect for Kiana comically fell down.

Y/N: Why did I even bother that this, tuna would understand.

Bronya: She is, Idiotka after all.

Kiana: Hey!

Mei: If that's the case shouldn't Aias wouldn't able to withstand direct attack like Durandal's summoned?

She asked making a bit nervous about it as awkwardly chuckle.

Y/N: *mental* I cannot let her, know that I temporarily modified Aias during my fight with Durandal even with the cost of several of my bones are broken afterwards

Though mentally as you try to think with an excuse to that.

Mei: Y/N?

Y/N: Y-Yeah?

Mei: Are you okay? You we're spacing out for a moment.

Y/N: Sorry about that! anyway I think I need to go! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me!

You said in a hurry as quickly stands up and head out of the cafeteria.

Mei: What was that?

Bronya: Probably because Nii-chan, didn't what you to found out about him modifying his shield even with the cost of getting his bones broken.

The monotonous Loli said as Mei is currently smiling with her lips is twitching a little bit.

As both Kiana and Bronya shared a confused look on their faces.

Mei: Ara~ so that was the part he did not want to say, eh?

She said with a dark aura is now surrounding her.

Meanwhile with you suddenly sneeze while you're cleaning the entire dorm.

Y/N: Achoo!!

Himeko: Hm? You okay?

Y/N: I'm fine  but why do I feeling I'm about to die soon?

Himeko: Who knows.


It's already night time and after doing all the house work around the dorm you went to the living room to see three people that currently a sleep on the sofa, it was Himeko, Kiana and Bronya.

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