Chapter 30

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Evelyn's Pov

I looked away while closing my eyes tightly "Thomas" Jack said while clenching his fist, Thomas then stepped closer but Jack held my hand and pulled me away from him "Don't touch her" Jack said while death glaring him.

Thomas laughed while biting his lip "Why?" He asked, before Jack answers Thomas grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in to his arms. I was shocked to the sudden quick move "She is my wife" Thomas replied while calmly glaring at Jack who also does the same.

Jack scoffed "After you hurted her, she will never forgive you. Did she told you that she forgave you?" He asked, Thomas looked down to me and signalled one of his guards who quickly stood behind him "Tie him up again" Thomas said, I widened my eyes and Thomas starts to drag me out of the room but I stopped him.

"Thomas, no wait. You can't do this" I said, He looked at me for a while before at Jack "I dont want him living for the rest of his life down here, please let him go" I pleaded him, Thomas was about to ignore but I held the hem of his shirt while looking up to him "Please?"

He groaned and pull me close to him "I only do this to you because I love you" Thomas said, I feel like shouting inside in my heart. Thomas looked at the guards "Release him to the streets" He said, I don't think its good for Jack to live in the village alone. He don't have family.

Looking at Thomas again but he shushed me by his finger "No more pleading, You should be happy that I released him. You know how much hatred I have for him" He said, I nodded and stayed silent. He's right but I'm worried, this castle is Jack's home. He grew up here with Thomas and the years passed they grew up together.

"Good, now let's go back upstairs" He said as he pulled me with him, looking back at Jack who was in a worried face as he looked at me getting dragged by Thomas upstairs. There's one thing I'm confused about, is Thomas angry. He seems calm but i mean, he is angry but not the angry one I saw when the time he accidentally stabbed me.

I looked up at him and took a deep breathe "Thomas?" I called him, he turned his head to me and nodded "What is it?" He asked, I furrowed my brows "Are you mad at me?" I asked while tilting my head, Thomas turned to me "Why would I? I'm just angry at Jack" He replied.

Now i'm getting confused here "But I opened the ropes and chains off him, should you be mad at me?" I asked again, Thomas stopped walking and so I did "I am not" he said, crossing my arms "If you are mad at Jack, why aren't you doing your no mercy revenge?" I asked curiously.

Thomas furrowed his brows as he looked at me confusedly "What? So you want me to no mercy killing Jack?" He asked shockingly, I widened my eyes and chuckled, shooking my head "No! I mean, You are not the same as before" I replied.

Thomas looked at my side "I guess you are working of changing me" He said before turning around and walked back to his room while I am standing here speechless. I'm slowly changing him, I can't wait to change him completely!

Katherine's Pov

I clenched the papers as I finished reading the whole sentence every word "Princess of Tevendill, I, King of Ellesmere says to you. One wife is enough for me and I don't need another one, if you keep sending me 100's of letters again. I swear the next time you see me we'd be enemies"

I screamed loudly in rage "Why cant you accept me like you used to before? Why are you so much change now? Oh, We'll see your wife. She can't even fit in my standards!" Mother then opened the door as she quickly held me worriedly "what's wrong, dear?" She asked.

Looking up to her while my eyes are in tears, tears of anger "Mother, He don't want to marry me" I said and Mom hugged me "oh, dear. I heard he has a crush on you when you both still a kid, now everythings changed. I don't know what happened that kid" Mom said while wondering.

Nodding my head, She quickly wiped my tears "Stop crying now, we'll be the one to go to their kingdom and we'll see how much he is change while I check that wife of him if she is really fit to be Queen" Mom said while glaring at the mirror as she imagined the face of Thomas wife.

I scoffed, looking back at the mirror "I'm sure she is even uglier than my servant" I said while rolling my eyes, Mother chuckled and held both of my shoulders "I've grow you up perfectly to be Queen, now we'll prepare our visit to the Kingdom of Ellesmere and we will reclaim your rightful throne there as The Queen" Mother said.

Smirking while looking myself in the mirror, caressing my face "I'm known as the beautiful princess all over the world! Not even that Thomas wife of him can change that" I said proudly, Mother nodded and brushed my hair. "Good thoughts there but we gonna make you Queen first, Yenna! Come and Prepare my daughter's stretch routine!" Mother yelled.

Evelyn's Pov

Laying on the bed while reading a book, the sunlight hitting my face and was about to cover the book over my face but a hand covered me to prevent the sunlight hitting me, looking up to see Thomas smirk "Do you remember?" He asked.

I chuckled and shook my head, not knowing what he wants me to remember. Thomas leaned down and whispered "I like watching you every seconds, it's kind of fascinating to me" He said while smirking, I hit him with the book and Thomas jumped in surprise "Don't remind me!" I said while my face all flustered.

Thomas chuckled and clicked my stomach which I laughed and held his hand while I wide my eyes "thomas, no no" I said warnly, He didnt listened as he kept smirking and clicked my stomach twice again, It tickles so much "No no no" I said and Thomas laughed "What, no no no?" He asked as he tickled me, I widened my eyes and laughed loudly "No stop!"

Thomas kept laughing as he tickled me, I held him tightly and pulled him down and now I'm the one who's tickling him "No! Evelyn stop!" He yelled loudly, I shook my head while laughing too "Oh?so the King is ordering me to stop?" I asked while smiling wickedly.

Thomas shook his head while still laughing and trying to flip me over but I stayed strong while Tickling him "No!" He yelled again, I chuckled "Do polite words!" I yelled back and Thomas screamed out "Please!" He said loudly while laughing, I stopped and layed down beside him while I keep giggling, laughing softly.

While i was giggling, Thomas hovered above me which I returned to stay silent as I shut my mouth, Thomas smirked as he found my reaction interesting "why so silent now?" He asked with his smirk again, I keep my mouth shut and my lips pressed together. Thomas leaned closer to my face and a blush form in my cheek "May I suggest my lips on yours so you can open your mouth?" He asked while smirking.

Shooking my head quickly while covering my lips, widening my eyes "No!" I said simply, Thomas chuckled while looking down at me. Now i'm getting nervous, awkward moment here "u-um can you get off?" I asked slowly, Thomas then put his both hand beside of my head. "Why?" He asks back.

Looking away from him to avoid his eyes, Thomas kept looking down at me "because you are making me nervous" I said lowly, He whispered and his hot breath fanning my face. "Look at me" He said, I didn't listen while I kept looking beside him to avoid eye contact.

Thomas whispered again "Look at me, that's an order" He said, I shook my head and Thomas lost it by grabbing my chin, making me look up to his green eyes "Why can't you look at me?" He asked, I tried to look away as the blush in my cheek are getting to show up more but Thomas kept a hold on my chin tightly "Don't, I want to look at you forever" He whispered.

I keep my heart beat calm down and just let him look at me, Thomas looked at me like I was some ruby. This is getting awkward so I break the eye contact to ask "Why do you even hav-" he cutted me off by placing his lips on mine, this time. It's softer compared to the kiss he once did when he forced me.

Closing my eyes, not moving my lips back but just let not this moment end. His lips are moving slowly with mine softly and gently, After a few moments. He pulled away and looked down at me "It's not even pass month yet you already changed me" He whispered while looking deeply into my eyes. I successfully changed him? Oh gosh, I did it ..

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