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Hi, my name is Jennifer. I used to play with the Ouija board and will never play it again. Me, my best friend,and her sister started watching theseOuija videos. We were a bit scared, but we still wanted to try it out to seeif it really works. We made our own board and printed out instructions. We started asking if anyone was here.There was no answer. We stopped after trying about 27 times. We then found out that there was a Buddha inthe drawer. So we decided to try it outside at the back of the house. It worked, a little bit. First we talked toa demon called David. We asked him many questions, like how he died, and if he was a good spirit. When we triedasking him how old he was. We didn't even have time to finish the question and then he answered '666' we were so shocked that my best friend went to the 'Goodbye' sign without saying anything she ran away. She came backand then we played again. This time it was a girl. Her name was Dara. We asked how old she was. but it was unclear. All we know is that she wrotea 4 and then a 5,6, or 7. We asked her if she was 47, then my best-friend started laughing, and it was not even her laugh! She than rolled over the ground still laughing. Her sister ran away. I was so scared I ran with her. we then went back to see where my best-friend was. We saw her sitting there crying and saying: 'Why did you leave me alone?' We just took the board and the glasscup and walked back together.
A few days after. Her sister came back with a REAL Ouija board this time. It was from Germany. It was so big that we actually started laughing the first time. We weren't allowed at the back of the house anymore so we decided to play on the balcony. When we asked the spirit if anyone was there, it raced to the 'Yes'sign that it fell off the board. We asked if we had better connection from up here. Then it did it again. Wespoke to many spirits and found out that there is a master, and that the spirit is inside the board. We also found a way to tickle it, you just haveto tap the pointer. Then one spirit's name was Susanne, which was the exact same name my best friend has. We asked how old it was, and for the last name, and how many sisters she has. It was like there is another life. We asked if there was a Jennifer likeme and if I was dead. It said I got skinned alive and hung up in a closet. Just like the Smith sisters. Another spirit said that the master wanted to kill Susanne and train her. It said she had a special power, and when we find out what it is they are going to take her. That's why we don't play it anymore. There were also some funny spirits, and cute ones too. One boys name was Daniel, he was 3 years old and died because he fell off the stairs. He said he misses his mom. When we asked him how he died he actually went off the board. Then we figured out that he didn't like to spell. Then there was another boy whosaid his name is Google. We asked where he came from he said internet. Then we asked what language he talks, he said Wikipedia. After we talked to him we found out that heaven is just like the normal world. And that it has streets and cities and countries. But they don't have the same names. What they actually did was put two real street names together. And that would be a heavenly street. The board said that Ouija wont work for anyone anymore without Susanne for the whole world.

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