Chapter 21- Flashback

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" tinaaaa" a boy not older than 4 called out exciting just as he entered the living room.
" Santiii" a girl voice came from the kitchen and then a second later a cute little girl clumsily came out of the kitchen and ran straight into the boy. They crashed and fell down, giggling.
" Is it blowd ( blood)?" The boy asked in his cute baby voice, worriedly when he saw something red on the girl's face.
" no silly this ketshup (ketchup)" the girl replied with the same baby voice.
" Why are you both on floor? Is it ketchup on your face val? " A boy with chestnut hair and blue eyes, that are same as the little girl's ,asked them.
" Alee" the girl called his name with an innocent look. The boy huffed at that.
" I told you not to eat ketchup and how did you even found it?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her.
" Jander( Xander) was eating so I alsho( also) took, jucht( just) a little" she said innocently.
" No more ketchup for you now " he said making the girl pout. He signed at that.
" Let's clean you up then" he said picking her up.
" When did you get here,Santi?" He asked the little boy who was watching there interaction, amused.
" Just a few minutes ago" the boy replied getting up.
" and where is your mother?" He asked the little boy.
" Talking with your mother" he replied and the other boy hummed in response.
Just as on clue two women came laughing in room. One had reddish long hairs with beautiful green eyes,she smiled at them.

The other woman who was turned sideway to talk to redhead woman, turned to face them. She had beautiful chestnut brown hairs and and shining brown eyes. She looked so young and beautiful just like a model.
And looked awfully similar to the little girl except the eye color.
" Mama"

I gasped and sat up straight. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down.
What was that? Did I just saw my mum?
How is this possible I don't even remember my life before I was taken then why am I getting these flashbacks now?
I have photographic memory so it is not a big deal if I remember my childhood days but strangely enough I don't remember anything that happened before I was taken. It's like my mind blocked these memories but then why am I remembering this now?
I shook my head and looked at the clock. 2:28.
The Martinez family left around 10.
After Matilda told me about me and Santiago. I stayed silent for the rest of the night. I caught him stealing glances at me but he didn't said anything.
I was not really believing it but after this dream I think she was right.
I know I won't be able to sleep now so I decided to do some work but before that I need water. I looked at the empty jar at my nightstand and signed. I took it and went downstairs to the kitchen. When I went there Alex was already there.
" Can't sleep?" I asked.
He tensed at that but relaxed when he saw me.
" Can't, have some work to do" he replied.
" You?" He asked.
" Same" I replied.
" You need something?" He asked.
" Just water" I replied as I filled my glass with water and drank it.
" I am making coffee, want some?" He asked.
" Sure" I replied.
I sat on the kitchen island as he made coffee. He gave me my cup of coffee and we both sipped our coffee in silence.
This is what me and Alex have in common we both enjoy silence, we don't have to fill the silence with unnecessary talking, we find it comfortable.

" What are you doing?" Asked Daniel in his sleepy voice as he entered the kitchen.
" Just drinking coffee" I replied.
" Who drinks coffee at night?" He asked as he filled his glass of water.
" People who have work to do" Alex replied.
" You are inhuman" he said with a dramatic sign.
" Are you having a party without me?" Asked lucas as entered.
" You want water too?" Daniel asked him.
" No, just can't sleep so I thought let's take a walk around the house and heard your voices so I came here" he replied.
" Ok..Not weird at all" Daniel remarked.
" What's happening here?" A male voice came and we looked at the entrance to see uncle Alfonso.
" Nothing these people are having coffee, I'm drinking water, and lucas is.. having a walk?" He replied.
" You?" Lucas asked.
" Just hungry" he replied as he looked inside the fridge for some leftovers.
" I swear if someone entered now-" Daniel started.
" I guess insomnia runs in the family" grandma said as she entered the kitchen.
- nevermind" Daniel completed.
" We are all awake now should we watch some movie?" Lucas suggested.
" Sure I don't think I will be able to sleep now " Daniel said.
"Why not?" Uncle Alfonso agreed.
They looked at grandma who shrugged" sure".
" I have work to do" Alex said when they looked at him.
"You always do that, just take a break" lucas reasoned.
He looked at me and I shrugged.
"Fine" he said.
We went to the living room and lucas put a movie on as we sat down.
I said between Alex and grandma. Uncle Alfonso sat down near grandma and lucas and Daniel sat on the sofa at the left side.
We watched cinderella of Camila Cabello and a few more movies and I didn't noticed when I fall asleep, without my pills for the first time in a while.

I know it's a short chapter but I'll try to make the next chapter a little longer.
So what do you think about this chapter?
What will happen next? What do you think about Val's mom?
Where is she?
Also we reached 38k and I can't be happier, thank you so much for your support and positive comments, they keep me motivated.
So share your thoughts with me and don't forget to vote and share.
Words: 1021

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