Chapter 5: Swimming Class!

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Ayanokouji(Zack) POV

" Good Morning Ike! "

" Good Morning Yamauchi! "

While arriving at school, Yamauchi called out to Ike with a smile on his face.

One week since the entrance ceremony, this is the first time that they arrive early at the class. Maybe it's because of swimming, I would be lying if I say, I'm not excited to see the girls in a swimsuit...

" Wow~ the lesson is so fun that I can't sleep~ "

" Yup, this school's the best. Swimming will start soon! I say swimming, but girls are the important part! And by girls I mean their swimsuits! "

The girls in the room backed away from Ike and Yamaded's excitement.

" Hey, Professor. Come over here. "

" Hehe, did you call him? "

A chubby boy walked towards the ones that called him. Wait Did that bastard said 'hehe'? How dare he!

" Professor, can you record the girls wearing swimsuits? "

" Leave it to me. I'll pretend to be sick and skip class to observe them. "

" Record? What are you planning to do? "

" Professor's going to rank the sizes of the girl's boobs. If there's a chance, he'll try to take a picture. "

" ... Oi Oi. "

Sudou also draws back from Ike's plan. If the girls find out it'll be bloodbath.

" Oi Ayanokouji. "

Suddenly Ike called out to me. When I looked up, I saw his smiling face beckoning me over.

" What? "

" To tell you the truth, we were going to bet on the girl's chest size. "

" We even have a table for the betting odds. "

Professor took out the tablet and opened an excel sheet.

All the names of girls in the class were listed. Bets were also attached. I'm not interested in betting tho.

" Hmm... Should I join? "

" Yea! Do it, do it! "

Right now, the contender for the biggest breast on the sheet is Hasebe. Her odds are 1 for 8. This is pretty bad. I'm not a fan of this so maybe I'll scare them.

" I have a question... Do you all enjoy this? "

" Enjoy? That's an understatement! We Love it! "

" Yea! Yea! "

" Sigh, I'll repeat it again, Do you enjoy this? " I said it with a cold voice while showing them my true eyes.

They seem shaken by it, and now they're unconsciously trembling.

" W-w-w-we... Ah-- "

" If you decided to do this, You'll face my consequences. I recorded your conversations, If I gave this to a teacher you all will be expelled. Do you understand me? " Hehehe, they seem scared.

" H-h-hai! " They all say it in unison.

" I'm glad that were on the same team, now go back to your seats like nothing happens alright? " And now I'm back with my usual self. I said it to them with a smile.

" H-hai! Gomenasai! "

They then proceed to go back to their own seats while still looking a little scared. The girls are confused on why the boys are like this but they saw that it's because of me, so they decided to bow from afar, kinda like saying thanks to me.

After lunch ended, the long awaited swimming class Ike and the others were waiting for finally came.

Without saying anything, the group faced the indoor swimming pool, I also followed stealthily from the back to make sure their not going to do something.

We reached the locker rooms, Sudou quickly started changing his clothes. His well-forged body from years of playing basketball was visible. Especially if you compared him to the others in the class, his body looks strong.

The students wrapped themselves with bath towels, but Sudou stood there in only his underwear. In that semi nude state, he took out his swimsuit from his bag.

" Nice body Sudou. "

" Ah-- Ayanokouji-san, It's nothing... And your body is much more toner than me. "

" Haha, but still that's impressive. "

" Alright, let's go. "

Sudou and I left the changing rooms.

" This school's really the best! It's even better than a city pool! "

Ike, who came out wearing swimming trunks, shouted after seeing the 50 meter pool.

The water looked crystal clear, and wasn't disturbed because it was an indoor pool. What an excellent facility.

" Where are the girls? Are they not here yet? "

Ike looked for the girls, sniffing the air like a dog.

" They take a while to change, just wait patiently "

" Hey, what would happen if I suddenly jumped into the girl's locker room? "

" They'd beat you up and file charges against you. "

" ... Don't ruin my fantasies with such a real answer. "

He was shivering at that reply.

" Remember, it's ok to stare at girls just don't do something to offend or upset them. "

" Hai! Ayanokouji-san! "


" But what will I do if I get a boner!? "

" Don't worry, the girls won't notice it, There's nothing to see anyways... "

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