Best big brother

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Lorenzo's pov

I woke up with something not to heavy but heavy enough for me to feel it on my chest

I opened my eyes and saw Lila sleeping on me I picked her up and sat her on the bed while I went and took a shower

We planned on going to the beach sometime this week because lila was begging to go so since we had nothing to do today why not go

I got out of the shower and got dressed in the bathroom and walked out of the bathroom to find Armes asleep with Lila on my bed

Was this not the same dumbass who said he didn't like being on my bed now he's fucking passed out on it

I stepped in and he woke up

"Sorry lila was crying and shit and asked if I would sleep in here while you were gone" he says closing his eyes again

"Ok, we are going to the beach so get ready and I'll get Lila ready" I say going to pick lila up who is still sleeping

Armes leaves and goes to get ready while I pick lila up

As soon as I picked her up she cuddled into my neck and I walked out of my room to wake atlas and Alex up

I go into Alex's room first

I go over to him and shake him until he wakes up and glares at me

"You need to get up and get ready we are going to the beach" I say re adjusting Lila

"K" is all he says and I walk out of his room leaving him to get ready

Atlas is always the hardest to wake up he's very um what would you call you


He's dramatic as hell, doing unnecessary shit

I open his door and I thought he would be sleep but he was just glaring at me while laying on his stomach

"Get u-" I start but he quickly cuts me off

"Fuck off" he says throwing a pillow

I would have beat his ass, but there's a toddler in my arms right now and she's grumpy when getting woken up to so

"Atlas get up" I say putting the pillow back on his bed

"Fuck you , kill your self " he says turning over

You may say why don't you tell him to stop or some stupid shit like that but honestly I don't really care

I pay all the bills in this house without me there's no them

"get the fuck up before I put you out on the streets , I don't have to take care of you I choose to , one call atlas one fucking call is all it takes to turn all this shit off no phone , no lights , no water nothing" I laughing and he eventually gets out of his bed while still being dramatic

"Thank you for cooperating" I say leaving with Lila still in my arms

"Lila wake up" I say shaking her as I reach my room again

"I'm up" she says quietly

"We are going to the beach today"' I tell her sitting her down on the bathroom sink

"Ok!" She says sounding a little excited

I bathe her and get her dressed in a cute swim suit and a dress to go over it

I pick her up and walk out of the room and go downstairs to find only atlas in the kitchen

"For someone who was threatening to cut all of the fucking utilities off you sure took your sweet time getting ready" atlas says still being moody af

"If maybe you forgot I dressed myself and another person while also having to wake up three other people and one of them put up a fight I think I deserve a little extra time getting ready" I say leaning onto the counter

"Thank you bubba" Lila says kissing my cheek

I fucking love this small human

"Of course baby , thank you for appreciating all I do" I say glaring at atlas

I don't think they realize how much I do
Not to sound cocky or anything but I'm kinda amazing

I balance multiple jobs , I take care of them that includes food ,clothes ,utilities and more I make sure they have everything they want , because I never got that .I didn't have a big brother who got me everything , I had parents who didn't give a fuck about me. If I didn't get it myself I didn't get it at all , there was no plan b for me all I had was plan A, I had to work with what I had , I didn't get to go out late night , drink , smoke , party ,sleep with girls , date , I never had time for stuff like that I always put them first but it's cool , I don't really blame them for not understanding

Because I usually never rub it their face about how much I sacrificed to make sure they had roof over their head and clothes and of course phones and shit

I wouldn't trade them for anything in this world but sometimes I do wish they would ,you know maybe say thank you every now and again

But then again it isn't their duty to thank me , I had the option to put them up for adoption and I chose not to , I took in the responsibility not them

"I appreciate everything you do but like , you probably just gonna leave like mom and dad did anyways so" atlas says shrugging and I look at him confused

This was supposed to be a good day where the fuck was all this attitude coming from

"I didn't put up with your shit for 19 years to leave if i didn't want to raise you I would have already put you up for adoption , I had the option to and I said no , I don't expect you to thank me day but please don't compare me to them I may not be the BEST brother but i have never grounded you , taken your phone or anything like that no matter how much shit you talk , I didn't get that luxury if I spoke when I wasn't spoken to I got grounded , so I think I'm kinda up there in the charts no?" I ask and it's quiet
Until little miss lighten the mood
Popped in

"I think your the best big brother Bubba" she says and I smile i at her

"Thank you baby" I say kissing her cheek

"Let's go" I say walking out

We went to the beach it was fun the mood lightened and we were all laughing and joking
We spent the whole day at the beach

We got back home and Lila was passed out once again .... I took lila to her room then took myself to my room and layed on my bed

Soon there was a knock at my door

"Come in" I say and atlas walks in

"Yea?" I ask and he sits on my bed and lays down

"I'm sorry" is all he says and i look at him confused

"I shouldnt have compared you to mom and dad I shouldn't have told you to kill your self I was just tired and I took it out on you for some reason , I don't know where we would be if you weren't here to take care of us and I appreciate everything you do for us I'm sorry lorenzo" he says finally taking a breath at the end

I almost shed a fucking tear

"It's ok , I forgive you" I say laughing

"We cool?" He asks worried

"Yea" i say

We hug and he walks back to my door

"I don't say this often because it sounds weird when I say it but I love you big bro" he says and I laugh and tell him I love him to

And I drift off to sleep

This chapter was supposed to be out earlier but I got caught up trying to get something right for school soooo

<3 if someone is mad at you rn go tell them your sorry and end the day/start the day on a good note
I love you all soooooo much another Chapter will be out tomorrow evening

Also are you guys reading this on computer or phone?? Lmk<3


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