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I have work today which I hate. Kihyun was still sleeping when I left my apartment. On my way to work, I saw someone who looked like Joshua.

'That could be him,' I thought to myself. 'But why is Joshua going to a convenience store?' I was rushing to get to work and accidentally bumped into him, I quickly apologized and left but he grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going so suddenly?" Joshua asked. "Are you not going to say 'good morning to your boss'?"

'HE IS MY BOSS," I scream mentally. "Wait the last time I saw my boss, he doesn't look like this.'

"Sir, I need to get to my work," I said, making an excuse to escape. I know there is no way I can escape but I will try, I will not let anyone force me to marry someone I don't know. When he lets go, I rush to my office without looking back, his office is right next to mine so but wait, something is not right. When I look through the employee profile it said Kihyun was still the boss but Joshua is the new second boss which means I have two bosses, I cry mentally.

'Boss Kihyun stresses me out already and Boss Joshua, who is my future husband,' I thought to myself. 'This is going to be the worst year of my life.'

"Why didn't you call me?" Kihyun asks while rushing to his desk. "Are you still afraid people hate you for being close to your boss?"

"No, the problem is Joshua, the guy that I told you about yesterday night is also my boss," I said. "When did Joshua become a boss?"

"He just became Boss recently," He answered. "When is your marriage?"

"Next Friday," I said. "Which means I don't get to hang out with my best friends anymore." We talked for a bit before work, for the whole day today Joshua was nowhere to be found. Some worker said he left but why am I worried about him?

When I got home my parents were waiting for me with something in the little box.

"Dear, we got something for you," My mom said. She is suddenly so lovely for no reason or maybe she realized I'm her daughter too. "This is a little gift from the Hong family, Joshua is a vampire and you need this to protect you." She left right after giving me a charm bracelet. Kihyun needed to know about this so I spam-called him until he answered.

After talking to Kihyun for 2 hours straight, my old childhood friend suddenly texted me. I lost contact with Jeonghan right when he joined the mafia side, the mafias Jeonghan joined also have vampires. I think he marked the last time we saw each other.

"I heard you are getting married to a mafia," he said. "I wonder who the lucky person is." Jeonghan always has a crush on me but due to strict rules, my parents have for me to stop us from dating.

"Next Friday is my wedding day," I said. "Um, how are you doing these days?" Before I could tell him to sit down, I felt 2 sharp fans meet my skin and slow going in.

"Sorry about that, since the day I lost your contact I haven't tasted any human blood," he explained. "Scoup told me I should find you, I wore this bracelet because my vampire will come out when I smell yummy blood."

I don't know if I should tell him my future husband is a mafia boss.

"Jeonghan, the person I'm getting married to is Joshua, the biggest mafia boss," I said. His reaction changed quickly. "Do you know him?"

"He is my boss, our group is called Seventeen," he said. "Scoup gave Joshua the boss position because I didn't want it." We chatted and talk for a while before Jeonghan hands me a Mafia party invitation, I was unsure if I should go but Jeonghan said it going to be fine.

"Don't worry I will be by yourself all the time," he said. "I have to go, remember tomorrow is the Mafia party. Make sure to dress nicely and bring the invitation with you."


Tomorrow is the Mafia party, I heard Jeonghan went to invite someone but he didn't tell me. Scoup assumes it is his old childhood friend, I don't have to prepare anything for the party our maid and guard do everything.

"What makes you so happy," I ask Jeonghan, who is smiling like he just won a lottery. "I heard Scoup said you went invite your childhood friend to the Mafia party."

"I did," he said. "She let me do something that I enjoy the most." I watch him lick his fang indicating that Jeonghan took her blood.

"I wonder what her name is," I said. "She must be mafia related."

"Her name is Yeonhwa and she is a normal person," he said. I was shocked, my future wife is a friend of our Librarian and I saw her this morning. "She is your future wife, treat her nicely. I know she can make a perfect wife."

Our wedding is getting closer and I'm not prepared for it, I still don't know how I can't marry Nancy. She is prettier than Yeonhwa and Nancy will be a good mafia boss if I retire but I can't say anything about it.

"Did you tell her about the clothes requirement?" I ask. "I don't want her to be the only one wearing different clothes."

"Yes, she will show me what she is wearing tomorrow," he said. "I don't know but she looks like someone in the mafia family." Jeonghan pulled a book out of nowhere and headed to me, I flipped through the pages to see all the mafia groups.


This is a mix between vampire and mafia so Seventeen is all Mafias and vampires, there will be some uncomfortable parts so I will give a warning sign.

Arranged marriage - H. JoshuaWhere stories live. Discover now