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I woke up and out of bed letting the dogs out i got dressed then made my bed  i walked into dad's house and saw him drinking coffee

"Hey Derek how are you?" Dad asked

"I'm good what about you?" I asked 

"I'm good why are you up so early it's four am" dad asked

"I'm going to the gym" i said

"Need a ride?" He asked

"No i think I'ma call Emmett" i said he nodded i pulled out my phone


D:sorry did i wake you up?

E:nah bro your good what's up?

D:want to go to the gym?

E:yeah why no i was gonna go anyway

D:I'll pick you up in ten

I hung up and walked out to my car and got in Emmett sent me his address i drove to his house and knocked on the door a man opened the door

"Hi I'm Derek I'm here for Emmett" i said

"I'm Carlisle come in Emmett will be down in a minute" he said i nodded and stepped inside

"Follow me" Carlisle said walking up the stairs i followed him

"It's nice to meet you Derek" he said

"It's nice to meet you to" i said when we got up the stairs i saw Jasper Emmett and three woman

"Hey Derek!" Emmett said

"Hey Emmett" i said

"Can I come?" Rosalie said coming out off the hallway with shorts and a sports bra on i looked her up and down

"No need to stair with what she left on your neck" Emmett said laughing i rolled my eyes

"What are you talking about?" Carlisle said

"Him and Rosalie had a little make out session before class" Emmett said smirking

"I um" i mumbled

"Emmett leave Derek alone"Alice said i smiled at her

"Why are you guys up so early?" I asked

"We're vampires " Alice said Rosalie hit her softly

"Uh huh" i said looking at her confused she disappeared and appeared Infront of me

"Believe me now?" She asked i nodded

"Yeah yeah" i said looking at her shocked

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