Chapter 8 :)

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"OMG" is all what y/n said and both Jungwon and Y/n's eyes grew wide as they both look at each other.

'What is she doing here" Jungwon said y/n shrugged "Beats me" she sipped her drink and took a bite of her cookie.


"Why'd you wanna meet me" Jungkook asked me annoyed. "I-i really miss you Jk" i told him as i sighed. "Tch sure you do. Why are you with Heeseung then." he asked me "I don't know im s-sorry i just thought that my feelings probably had changed but they haven't im still in love with you" i plead out not to loudly. 

"Listen Karina you wanted to break up with me coz of Heeseung you told me you hated me and you didn't like me in that way anymore, that's why i let you go otherwise i would've been after you" Jungkook said in a not so soft tone "I'm sick of you and your bullshitting all of this that doesn't make any sense to me" he said and it broke my heart if im being honest

"Im sorry i wasn't in a correct mind state plus you even hurt Heeseung at the time too and i was mad coz it was my fault i just wanted to make you love me again" i said as tears formed. "Go back to Heeseung i'm sure he treats you way better than i do" he said as he was getting ready to leave

"N-no please Jk you have to hear me" i got up and grabbed his arm making a scene everyone's eyes were on me 'ugh i shouldn't have gotten up' i say to myself 'omg is that Y/n and Jungwon' i panic when i saw both of them. "Let me go" Jungkook said in a harsh voice "i'm sorry Jk" i let him go and ran out annoyed i sat back down as tears fell down


Y/n and Jungwon saw the whole scene with Karina and Jungkook. Jungwon was raged he didn't believe his eyes his best friend's supposed 'girlfriend' was seeing her ex. Jungwon got up from his seat y/n noticed and grabbed his arm "Jungwon where are you going" she asked confused. "I'm going to go see Karina there's no way she was going to go back with Jungkook hyung after having Heeseung hyung she is cheating on my best friend i need to stop her" Jungwon said pleading Y/n let him go and went after him

"Hey Karina" Jungwon yelled out "H-huh what!! What do you guys want? Why are you guys here? Why are you here? she asked directly to Y/n. "We'll i think we should be the ones asking questions not you" Y/n said as she crossed her arms looking annoyed. She knew that Karina didn't like her and Karina also knew she didn't like her.

"Why were you seeing your ex" Jungwon asked and Karina turned and faced Jungwon who was mad for what she is doing behind his best friend's back "Aren't you dating Heeseung hyung? Why are you doing this to him? What did he ever do to you? Do you like him? Are you taking advantage of him? Does he know your seeing your ex? You need to explain everything. This isn't fair he's one of the hyungs i trust you can't hurt him like this he doesn't deserve you he deserves someone better you horrendous, disgusting two faced bitch!!" Jungwon said as tears started to form in his eyes

"Y/n noticed and went to him and pat his back "It's okay Jungwon take deep breathes we will figure this out" y/n says as she looks at Karina with the biggest glare ever. "You need to explain yourself Karina. Heeseung is a nice person even if i haven't talked to him directly i know he's a kind and generous person he deserves everything. Why would you do this? What in your right mind made you do something so cruel to a person who hasn't done any shit to you" Y/n says as she walks up to Karina and pulls her from her shirt 

"Let me go" she tells Y/n "No i'm not scared of you two face bitch. I care for people who i love and Heeseung is one of them you are breaking something which is his heart and i won't tolerate that so you better explain everything and also tell Heeseung what you did wrong" Y/n says which made Jungwon go in shock 'wow i have never seen this side of her' he thought. Little did they know that Heeseung was listening to everything. Y/n let go of Karina and sat next to Jungwon

"There's no need for her to explain" someone says 'i recognize that voice' y/n says as she turns around her eyes go wide it was Heeseung 'omg was he there the whole time did he hear everything i said just now' y/n thought as she gets anxious

"Heeseung hyung your here" Jungwon said as he jumps out of his seat and runs to Heeseung "yeaaaa i was here not to long ago and i did hear and saw everything" he says and turns his gaze to Y/n which she was staring at the floor which made Heeseung giggle a bit

Karina on the other hand was nervous "u-uhh Heeseung umm i-" "save it Karina tbh i don't like you" Karina stared at him blankly "w-what" Y/n and Jungwon were shocked that they had there hand over there mouth.

"I said i don't like you i never did. I only accepted so i can stop liking someone but i can't do that no matter how many girls i date to get over her i just can't, all i see is her." Heeseung looks at Y/n and Jungwon noticed 'ah i see where this is going now' he whispered to himself. Even tho it broke Jungwon's heart he had a feeling that y/n didn't like him like that he had to accept that she didn't like him.

Karina didn't say anything but nods grabs her stuff and runs out of the café she felt humiliated and she felt wronged although she used Heeseung he also used her back so they both were on the same page.

"Umm i didn't even finish. Oh well its not like i feel bad she also did the same thing to me" Heeseung says as he sits down and taps the chair for the other two who are still processing everything. "Wait hyung you never liked Karina" Heeseung nods "then why did you date her?" "Coz i like someone but i don't know why i wanted to get rid of my feelings towards her probably coz she is one of my best friend's relative" 

"Umm who is this girl you like hyung?" Jungwon says as he averts his gaze to Heeseung which he is fiddling with his shirt

"Ummm its-"

Chapter 8 completed!!! Yessss i left it off as a cliffhanger again lmaooo also this is much shorter than my previous chapters. I hope you guys enjoyed this crappy chapter lol. I hope you guys are happy and healthy. STAY SAFE!!! 

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