Chapter 11

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"Hell is something you carry around with you, not somewhere you go"


"What the hell Khloe? What just happened?"

I stand up on shaky legs and slowly pat my hair "Sorry about that. I had a panic attack"

"I get that. What caused it?" Robin's voice brooks no argument.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay? I'm sorry you had to witness that"

A muscle jumps at the back of his tightly clenched jaw as he takes a step towards me. He stops with a growl when I take a step back.

"You're going to tell me what caused it. Right. Fucking. Now" He spits out.

I sigh unhappily. He's the last person I want to talk to about what happened last year.

"The only reason I'm still standing over here while you're there is because I don't know what triggered your panic attack so I don't know how to avoid another one." He growls, getting impatient.

"Look, I have to go. I'll think about your offer and get back to you about it" I pick up my purse from the couch and jog-walk to the foyer, where I slow down to look back.

He's still standing where I left him, teeth clenched, and hands in fists.

He looks completely frustrated but he doesn't try to follow me. I furrow my brows, remembering I flinched away from him earlier. He's trying to avoid that.

"I'm sorry" I say as I call the elevator. The doors open immediately, on standby. Our eyes stay locked until the elevator doors close. I blow out a breath.


When I get home, it's empty

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When I get home, it's empty. Spencer said after work she'd go to her old apartment to get the last of her things. She's moving her furniture into storage.

I sink into an armchair and think about what happened at the penthouse. Robin's offer. The way he touched me. We hadn't even kissed and yet I felt more pleasure than I've ever had.

I wasn't a virgin and I had always come during the act of sex but all that paled in comparison to what I felt when I was in Robin's arms.

What If I accepted his offer?

God I can't even imagine how pleasurable that would be but...the fact remains that he's a vampire.

He freaking bit me!

Would I always get a panic attack around him?

You didn't get a panic attack until he bit you.

It reminded me too much of the attack I had last year.

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