📻You kiddin'?📻

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Your POV

My plans are usually spot on and perstenine.

Yet here, people don't seem to respect that.

I tried to confront the low level contract demon that's in charge of this place. But, I was stopped. Not by force though. Because Masky was rushed in by Jane and someone I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet.

This person wore a white mask with a bright (yet worn) red smile and eyes on it's face. Kinda like dandelion- except he was shorter and had more identifying features to him. From the ruckus of them coming in with Masky bloodied and a bear trap hooked on his left leg, I can confirm that his name is Helen.

I'll have to introduce myself later. For, now- I gotta stop my friend from bleeding out.

. . .

"What's your diagnosis?"

"Tf you mean? Are we not seeing the same thing? This man has big ass bear trap leeching off his left leg!"

"Well? Can you do some-magic-potion thingy to make him better?"

"Uh, I'm not a witch. I can only 'heal' things that were born inside this forest cause I d-worded here."

"A̳c̳t̳u̳a̳l̳l̳y̳. M̳a̳s̳k̳y̳ h̳e̳r̳e̳, W̳A̳S̳ b̳o̳r̳n̳ i̳n̳ t̳h̳i̳s̳ f̳o̳r̳e̳s̳t̳! T̳h̳e̳ h̳o̳s̳p̳i̳t̳a̳l̳ i̳s̳ g̳o̳n̳e̳- b̳u̳t̳ s̳t̳i̳l̳l̳." As if a miracle happened I shot my bewildered gaze towards the guy named "Helen". Helen flinches a little by my movement's but stays in place.

"Really!? Hot damn! This just got a lot easier. Alright, who here is willing to look at him naked." Everyone in the room (Toby who followed me from the kitchen ((not so secretly)), Jane, Jack, and Helen) looked at me with a werid looks on their faces. Minus Helen who looks a little relaxed.

"Not like that ya pervs! I gotta 'eat' the wounds off em' and there's a ton scattered all over." They all collectively 'oh' at me and leave, excluding Jack. I suppose they don't really get it, oh well, I'm used to being weird.

Jack takes out a scalpel and cuts the red and black flannel strown across Tim's body. Tim; now naked (besides his socks, shoes, and boxers) and passed out lays down on an operation table.

Jack is on Tim's left while I hover over Tim's body with my right hand next to his head and my left holding down his stomach.

"You ok?" I look at Jack with amusement as he movers his ashen grey hands over his black oval eyes on his baby blue mask. "Ehhh. Yeah, just get it over with."

I take my teeth and drag it all across Tim's body. I lick up any blood, scab, or zit. How filling. I don't eat human food. Only the concept of fear. Wounds are something to be very scared of, so it's what I eat the most. I go into this forest a lot.

If I see any damaged animal in fear- I lick them until they seemingly calm down. It sounds weird, but it has a lot of benefits. It calms the animal down, they get a bunch of nutrients from my tounge, and their wounds are completely erased. Along with scars.

I've never done this to humans. Tim will be my first! A good first. Tim has a lot of imperfections in his skin. I was starving. I'm upset he's hurt, but this is a great way to 'get closer together'.

Jack is now sitting in the very far end of the room near the door shielding his gaze from the sight in front of him.

Jack POV

How the hell are they okay with this? I wonder what their tounge feels like. Stop that. They're only helping, nothing else.

This is good. This means that Tim can't complain about his scars and bruises anymore, and stop making me go get him cigarettes on my runs because 'hIs BaCk HuRtSsSs'.

Sooner or later the sound of [Names]s tounge hitting Maskys skin dies down. I look up to see [Name] drape a large blanket over Masky- WHO'S NOW AWAKE!!!


What the fuck is this guys problem?!

Your POV

Ah shit. He's up. I'm going to get my shit rocked...

"[Name]? What the fuck!?"

"Well. At least you're not dead. Do you remember what happened?"

"Yeah. Me and Brian we're setting up some bear traps in the woods for some food. He put one down inside a hole and didn't think to tell me. He even removed the release trap. Fucker ran off and got Helen and Jane to take care of me instead while he went- god- fucking I don't know."

I listen to Tim thank me and eventually attempt get up to only realize he's kinda naked.

"Hey uh, *clears throat* we're are uh...my clothes?"

"Oh. Jack? Can you go to Tim's room and get him some clothes." Jack gives a curt nod and leaves.

I lean down towards Tim's face. "Now. Where do you think Brian went? We wouldn't want him to get lost." I give Tim a wink.

"I'm guessing he took the truck with him and left for town. He has a few favorite places but, the 'Roulette Cafe' is his favorite. It's a near a trucker stop. You should look for him there." I give Tim a patient smile and pat him on the face a few times before standing up straight again and leaving the room.

I'm not going to hurt Brian. I just need some good and honest answers.

Word count: 925

|𝚂𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐| A creepypasta story/Eyeless Jack x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now