56 || Party Crashers

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Trigger Warning:
mild mentions of sexual abuse towards children, r*pe and self harm.

Song: ZAYN, Taylor Swift - I don't wanna live forever (slowed + reverb)


The little Rosso was fourteen when he got to America.

He was also fourteen when he'd become another homeless youth out on the streets of New York City, fending for himself.

That was until he crossed paths with him.

He was an established man, a deputy officer at the New York Police Department. And for some reason, the man had taken pity on the young boy that was well on his way to spending his life behind bars.

He'd taken him in, invited him into his home, given him a bed, clothes and food.

The little Rosso didn't speak, nor did he acknowledge the man, and it took him months to come to terms with the idea that some people were just... good.

It was the first and last time he'd ever think of a human being so highly.

Like a plague, the unlucky curse had seemed to follow the little Rosso, until it'd ruined his perception of yet another man.

The man looked good on paper.

Single dad, raising a seven year old girl all on his own, fostering a homeless troubled teenager.

He was good to them, so good that the little Rosso began to get comfortable.

He didn't mind living with the annoying little girl, he didn't mind the strict curfew, or the way the police officer enrolled him in school.

He'd met someone good, the cloud of dis-fortune that seemed to follow him had finally faded.

Or so he thought.

He'd woken one night to the sound of screaming.

He'd told himself to ignore it, he didn't care about anyone much less the annoying little girl. She never seemed to leave him alone, going as far as calling him ridiculous names like her brother.

She'd sit in his bedroom and play with ridiculously hideous dolls, while he'd organize and clean his collection of stolen guns.

She was nothing but a nuisance, and that was the only reason the little Rosso had gotten out of bed.

He would tell her to shut up.

He'd followed the noises to her bedroom. Her annoying cries and pleas had sparked a headache, one that he would make her pay for.

Perhaps he would snap the head off of one of those incessant dolls. It'd make her cry even more, but it'd be worth it.

Only when he opened the door, the sight that greeted him had altered the sheltered little bubble he'd been living in for the last few months. It'd thrown what little faith in the world he had to complete shit.

Human beings weren't good. He was a fool to believe they were.

The world was cruel and filled with vile men. Ones that he seemed to encounter in every phase of his miserable life.

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