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"You okay?" I ask, turning over to look at Cara. She was turning from side to side in our bed, groaning as she slid her knees up to her bump and then back down again.

"No, I'm not. I can't get comfortable. I swear this baby is practicing Tai Kwon Do in here."

I smiled at her frustrated expression. "What can I do to help?" I asked softly.

"You can't do anything, you've done enough already. It's all your fault for putting her in there in the first place."

I tried to bite down a laugh, but it was futile. She was so damn cute when she got riled up. "You want me to give you a back rub?"

"Can you rub my calves? They keep cramping up and every time I try to rub them this damn belly gets in the way."

"Sure." I slid down the bed, rising to my knees as I gently took her leg between my hands. Her skin was soft and smooth, still clinging on to a light tan. I ran his fingers over her calf, pressing my  thumbs down to ease the muscles.

"You've got a couple of knots in there." I told Cara, circling the pads against the tight muscles.

"I know. Ahhh... Jeez, I think you got it." She let out a sigh. "Does it get better? Tell me it gets better. I'm sick of every part of my body aching."

"You need to slow down. This is your body telling you it's time to take care of yourself. You can't keep working without rest." 

I took her other leg and placed it on my knee, sliding my thumbs along it until I found another knotted muscle.

"You can talk all you want. You work longer hours than me."

"But I'm not thirty-two weeks pregnant." I said, rolling my eyes at her. "Plus, it's just hockey. I do that since I learned how to walk."

Cara huffed. "Can you rub my feet now? I know it's gross, but every time I stretch them they hurt."

"Sure, baby. And it's not gross at all."

She was firmly in the third trimester now, less than two months away from giving birth, and she'd never looked more glorious. Sometimes I came home from practice and stared at her as she leaned over her desk, reading and wrtiting as always.

I was addicted to the way she made me feel. Warm and strong and alive. My favorite part of the day was lying behind her as she slept, cupping her abdomen with my hand and feeling our baby kick against it. During those moments – when only me and the baby were awake – I felt like their protector. It was my job to make them safe and comfortable, and I was determined to do it damn right.

Cara interrupted my thoughts. "I'm proud of how fast and easy you recovered." 

"Well, baby, I had a pretty good nurse." I winked at her.

"Shut up. You were a pain in my ass."

Damn right, I was. All I wanted was to play hockey, not be in bed rest for two weeks.

"I love your ass though."

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure your love for my ass was what brought us here." Her hand was now on her hurting lower back.

"I love you pregnant."

"I love you and our baby, but I'm so damn tired of this body already."

"Come here, baby." Lifting my arms, I reach out for her and she drops down onto the mattress beside me as I wrap my arms around her, enveloping her against my body.

"I'm sorry you're miserable right now, but, just think about our life for the following years. It'll be pure bliss."

"I know you're right." Cara said right before she kissed my chest.

"You in the mood?"

She looks up at me with her rolling eyes. "You already know that."

"Come on, no time to waste then."

"Thirty four weeks, Cara!" My doctor said as she walked into her office. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, same old." I replied, smiling at her. "A few aches and pains, but nothing abnormal."

"Your blood pressure is a little high." She frowned as she looked at the read out. "Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"When the baby lets me."

Aidan leaned forward to check the results. From the corner of my eye I could see his brow wrinkling. "One-forty over a hundred?" he murmured. "That's concerning."

"And how do you know that?"

"Hockey, baby."

"It is pretty concerning, Cara. We;re going to need to monitor it over the next few days. Do you think you can come in daily for the next few days? I'll ask the nurse to set you up a few appointments."

"You want me here every day? I don't think I can do that. I have a big event coming up in a couple of weeks. I need to be prepared." 

Taking time out for a daily hospital appointment wasn't possible.

"I'm pretty sure I can measure it." Aidan said. "And send you the readouts daily." He glanced at Harper. "That's if it's okay with you?"

"Yeah. That's fine with me."

"And you've had no other symptoms?" Harper asked. "No vomiting or headaches or unusual pain in your abdomen."

"No." I told her. "Nothing."

"Okay. I still want to run a couple of tests today just to be sure. And Aidan, I need you to keep an eye on things when I can't, okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

"This big event. Is there any way you can get more help with it? I'm concerned about your stress levels."

"Not really, but most of the hard work is done. There may be a few more chapters to make but I'll tell them it isn't possible if needed. This little baby is more important." I patted my stomach.

"Okay. Good. And do you have a plan to wind down after this? When are you thinking of taking leave?"

"I have a few more orders to finish, that should take me through week thirty-six. After that, I'm planning on taking at least two months off. Probably three."

"That's sensible." Harper made a note on her pad. "How about you, Aidan? Are you taking time off?"

"I've requested four weeks after the birth."

I turned to him. "I didn't know that."

"I figured you might need some help. Or at least some sleep." He gave me  a smile.

"And how about your birth plan. Do you have it ready yet?" 

"I've started it." I told her, grabbing a printed sheet from my purse.

"A start is good. You'd be amazed how many patients I see who leave it until the last minute, which is the absolute worst time to write it out. As your obstetrician, it helps me to know what you want, and to be able to let you know if it all is even an option. Can I take a look?"

I passed it over to her, and Harper scanned it, nodding as she turned the page. "It's looking good. You've got nearly everything covered." She tipped her head to the side. 

"And have you packed your bag yet? We recommend doing that around now. Just in case." Harper winked.

"I have." I'd packed and unpacked it a dozen times. Right now it was by our bed, filled with everything I thought we needed.

"Then you're one up on most women I see. Okay, so let's get to the fun stuff." Harper clapped her hands together. "You guys want to take another look at your baby?"

"Hell, yes!" Aidan said.

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