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"Shit, we've only got four minutes? Until what- we get electrocuted?"

"Well technically we've only got just over three minutes until the current reaches us, being that it travels ahead of the train but yes, we'll essentially act as human conductors until our organs dry up and fry which will take in total about .2 seconds" he says matter of a factly.

You swallow faintly.

"Any luck with the knife?"

"Not really- but is this Swiss?"

"You can admire it later"

He chuckles and you attempt to stand, using him as leverage while he follows a little hesitantly. He watches in fascination as you bring your tied hands to your heels and step backwards through the loop so your hands are in front of you. He copies unsteadily, wincing and retracting the blade before beginning to saw at the rope around your wrist until it frays and snaps. You snatch the blade and start slicing at his rope while he bounces impatiently.

"Will you stand still" You mutter desperately

"One minute twelve seconds at my estimate"

"How good is your estimating?"

"Just keep going"

"A brilliant idea, I was planning on taking a tea break" You snap and he scowls. Eventually his rope breaks and you stand, spinning on the spot.

"Okay if you give me a leg up onto the platform I could pull you up from there" You say wildly, reaching up.

"I can't"

"Why not?" You say in slight frustration.

"Because my ankle is currently sprained" he replies and you pause, looking down at his left ankle which sits at a strange ankle. All his weight resides on his right leg and he leans tiredly against the wall.

"How the- "

"Must have gone when we were dropped down here- I can probably get you up there though. Listen to me carefully- you'll need to find Mycroft, he's my brother and a jackass but he'll help" Sherlock rolls his eyes and grimaces again "Tell him John was taken by Moriarty's people- but don't reveal who you are, do you understand?" He says hurriedly and you shake your head in disbelief.

"If you think I'm leaving you-"

"(Y/n) now!" He demands, grabbing your shoulders and readying himself to lift you. Instead you thrust your left arm down and out of his grip.

"No! Come on there must be another way out- you're Sherlock Holmes!"

"A truly brilliant observation" he spits

"Think your way out! We can't climb up, not with your ankle busted up so what do we do- use that big brain of yours!"

He scowls then opens his mouth to argue when you both wobble, grabbing each other for support as you listen to the distantly discernable sound of the tracks changing. You were running out of time.

"Think!" You demand and he takes a breath, closing his eyes, mouth moving too fast to even attempt to lip read. He spends seven precious seconds of your time like this while you fidget before his eyes snap open.

"There's a man shelter about a quarter of a mile down the track, if you run you'll make it"

"I told you I'm not-"

"Run!" He yells and you grab his hand, dragging him along at a forced run while he yells, but you don't let go even when he tries to free his hand. His grip slackens and you turn suddenly, punching him square in the face. His right hand flies to his face and you grab his left, seizing the length of rope still dangling on your wrist and knotting the remaining length around his hand. He wipes his bloody nose, panting and regaining his focus. He yanks experimentally at his bound wrist and you glare.

"If you stop running then we both die. Now, run for your life Sherlock Holmes!"

He shouts in frustration but you have set off already, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes as you run, pulling him behind you while he screams in agony. You run between the metal tracks on the wooden boards, feeling the heat rise from the floor. To step on the metal now would be suicide but you can see it! The man grove dug into the side of the wall for workers. You continue, sweaty, heart pounding and jumping at the deafening sound of a train rumbling closer.

"In here!" You shout, giving Sherlock one final pull into the mangrove where he folds against you. Not three seconds relief occur before the train whistles inches past your shoulders, a roar in your ears which you cover, a new fear plaguing you as your heart rate increases still. But now it is Sherlock who pulls you upwards and towards the escape exit, wincing at every step while the world spins around you.

No, not here, not now

"You crazy impossible person" he gasps but you can't reply, the noise was too loud and you are slipping. Sherlock drags you through the door and onto the station platform where you are met by a very concerned John Watson. You yank your hand free from the rope, legs shaking and trying to retain your balance.

Focus, focus!

What can you see, what you hear- the train, it's so loud! The train is what you can hear. That and John helping Sherlock to lean against a pillar. What else what else? Keep your focus what else? Sirens- too loud that won't do, what else? Someone telling Sherlock off with fear in their voice...

"Shut up Mycroft I'm fine"

Mycroft! Mycroft and his people all storming the platform- so that's how John was saved. Good but he couldn't know you were here. You stray away a little but someone is following you- you need to tell someone what is about to happen.

"Sherlock" You say groggily and hands are around your arms as you sway.

"(Y/n) what is it- what's happening why are you shaking?" Says Sherlock hurriedly, John joining in and helping lower you to your knees. You open your eyes but the world is spinning and you feel like you are about to throw up.

"Too loud..." You whisper and suddenly the cold hands and long fingers of Sherlock Holmes envelop your ears, muffling the train. John is talking to you but you can't hear him.

"(Y/n) tell us what's happening- how do you feel?" He asks as you fall back against the taller of the two. Your mouth is dry but the cold concrete of the station platform is nice.

You need to tell them, to warn them what is about to happen but your words aren't working. It doesn't matter, John's a doctor and Sherlock is far from stupid, they'll know what to do. It's about then that all the strength leaves you, and perhaps ten seconds later that you black out completely.

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