Chapter 6.3

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That night we celebrated our new typewriter. Sophie made cheese on toast to celebrate. I'm glad Sophie could cook things, like cheese on toast for example, because I couldn't cook for shit.

The day we arrived at Ambrose we'd found a bottle in the cupboard in the kitchen. It was called VODKA. Sophie told me it was an adult drink. I asked her how she knew, but she changed the subject. So after we'd finished our cheese on toast we had a sip of the VODKA. It was gross.

Sophie was tired, so she took Fred off to bed. I wasn't tired at all. I was still wired about Lucio and the Ape and finding the typewriter. So I went into the study and shut the doors behind me, and tore a fresh piece of paper off the notepad and rolled it into the typewriter. For a while I just sat there, wondering what to type.

Then I had a brilliant idea. I'd type a letter to Dirty Joe.

Almost as soon as I thought about it though, my stomach sank. I realised I'd have to tell him about his mum. Well, I didn't have to I guess – but I felt like I should. I'm not good at pretending thing didn't happen, especially big things, like dead mums.

So I gritted my teeth and started typing.

dear joe,

im writing to tell you me and sophie are ok and hapy in the hotel. the baby is ok and we named him fred. hes real boreing because hes a baby and all he does is sleep pretty much but we feed him and clean up his poo.

p.s. do you like my tipewriting? we got a tipewriter!

i finished your book and its the best book i ever read. i promus ill look after it until when i see you again. i don't know if you can send mail here but you can send us some mail if you like.

i have to tell you something im sorry. we found your mum here. she took fred when we were outside and we chased her along way up stairs. she died in her sleep. we burried her in the garden and tomorow well make a head stone. me and sophie hope your not to up set and i hope your mum is hapy now. im sorry.

please dont worry well be ok.

love ben

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