Chapter 20: A swift exit

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Morton silently unbolts the shower door, opening it just a crack in order to peer outside. "I think the coast is clear." He whispers as he looks back briefly over his shoulder to Oliver, who was now visibly shaking from the cooling water upon his skin. Morton closes the door with a sigh, before pulling his towel which was hanging over the door. He takes the towel to Oliver's wet hair and begins to delicately rub it dry. "Can't have you getting unwell too now." He says with a grin as the towel now makes its way to Oliver's wet arms. 

"I'm fine, honest." Oliver insists, but seems to make no attempt at stopping the love and care being offered, as he stands there like a mannequin. Morton shakes his head with a grin as he then dries his own body and ends up wrapping the fluffy towel around his hips, finishing it off with a secure tuck. Morton looks down at the towel, adjusting its position around his waist a fraction, before seeing Oliver still standing there, naked. "Olly, Where's your towel?"

"I told you. I didn't bring it." Oliver raises an upturned palm as a response, with it only now dawning on him that he hadn't seen past getting into the shower with Morton.

"So you really didn't bring a towel?" Morton folds his arms and shakes his head at his newly acquired lover. "I thought you were just saying that."

"It had to look genuine, otherwise you wouldn't have let me in." Oliver now peers out of the door. "If I run, I can make it to the lockers without being seen." 


"Huh? Hey!" Oliver sees Morton's hand push against the door, making it slam. He looks back at Morton in confusion. "What's the problem?"

Morton's now cages Oliver's frame against the door with Oliver looking up at him. "From this day forward, I don't want anyone seeing you naked but me. What if that Neil guy is out there huh? I don't want him looking at you." 

The words bring a smile to Oliver's lips. He raises a hand and whips the towel from Morton's waist. "Ok. Have it your way." He chuckles lightly, now putting the towel around himself and leaving Morton exposed. 

"Hey, that's not what I meant." He complains. "I was gonna go get your towel and bring it back for you."

"I have a much more fun idea." Oliver says playfully, now feeling the confidence to draw a line down the centre of Morton's abdomen. "How about you make it to the lockers unseen and I will reward you when we get to the van." 

Morton takes the hand, pressed against his chest and raises it by Oliver's head, pressing him once again against the door, with a heated kiss. "It's your turn to get me breakfast I believe." He utters in Oliver's ear, as he pulls back, seeing Oliver's devilish grin. He moves to the side to allow Morton to once again open the door a fraction, seeing an opportunity. He doesn't waste another minute, racing to his locker, with Oliver trying to hold in his laughter as Morton's arms circle, trying to avoid the perils of running on wet tiles. But it seems his mission is a success, as seconds later, he is covered. 


"I want a coffee and a bacon and egg sandwich." Morton declares when he and Oliver are back at the campervan. 

"Got over your sickness then?" Oliver raises an eyebrow. "I will have to fry the bacon and eggs myself, so I don't want you getting in the way. Make yourself useful and go and buy the coffees. " 

"Are you my lover or my mother?" Morton chuckles as he affectionately pinches Oliver's check. 

It makes Oliver blush as he looks down. "Lover…I'm your lover and you are mine." He looks back at Morton, batting the hand away. Now go!" 

Morton smiles back as he heads away from the camper in the direction of the shop, where they housed a coffee machine. He is no sooner out of sight, when he stops and leans against the wall of a nearby building. He looks around to see if anyone is around and notices he is alone. He looks up to the morning blue sky and with clenched fists, shouts out, "YEAH! YOU THE MAN!" He does a weird happy dance for a few seconds before stilling once again, as he leans back against the wall. 

He felt so happy he could have exploded, but he knew this wasn't the end by a long shot. He remembers the words uttered to him by Oliver earlier on in the shower cubicle. 'You will have to pull out all the stops to turn me on'. He pulls his phone from his back pocket. There was only one person who he thought would help him get this just right. A guy Clark had often referred to as a love guru, a man who had a deep knowledge of relationships. He dials Clarks number….

"Hey, I need your help. Have you got the number for that therapist friend of yours?....Tully?..."

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