Chapter 3

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Another surprising invitation and again, Virginia accepted. What else was she going to do in the main time? All they had was time to kill and she would gladly exhaust her time and energy with Tamara if she allowed it.

Virginia was curious to know how Tamara knew she was traveling but realized that was easily explained. Then she wondered how far all their interaction in the airport would go. Would it change their work dynamic come Tuesday morning when the holiday was over? Was she jumping ahead of herself when they were merely keeping each other's company due to a delayed flight? Of course, she was.

She took a generous sip of her Long Island Ice Tea to calm her growing nerves and from the corner of her eye, she observed Tamara fiddling with a square piece of tissue from the bar.

"Do you remember our office Christmas party?" Tamara asked with her eyes on the folded tissue between her fingers and Virginia swallowed nervously.

"I do."

"Do you remember what you said to me that night?"

"Not entirely. I did have a few drinks in me." Virginia's drink was doing a poor job at relaxing her and she drank most of it before she rested the glass back down on the bar. "Please tell me it wasn't anything out of the way."

"It wasn't." Tamara stopped speaking then as she manipulated the tissue into a rose that she placed beside her glass. "Would you like to hear what you said?"


Virginia didn't know what Tamara was playing at or why she would bring up the incident at that moment but it had her on edge, which made her finished off her drink and order another.

"You said, you weren't used to seeing me without a smile and though you wouldn't ask me to smile because you hated when people did that, instead you hoped that I would smile again, someday soon, because you would miss seeing the smile on my face." It was then that Tamara turned in her chair and looked at Virginia. "Did you actually mean that?"

It was the intensity in the way that Tamara looked at her that made Virginia answer truthfully and without hesitation. "I did."

"I always thought that was sweet and that night, I didn't get to say thank you so," Tamara reached for the rose she crafted and gave it to Virginia, "thank you."

There was that flutter in Virginia's chest again but this time it was much stronger. It was only tissue paper, something that could easily be destroyed by the slightest bit of moisture but she would cherish it because she was that type of person.

"It's cheesy, I know." Virginia could tell that Tamara was embarrassed by her craft but in her eyes, it was overly sweet. "I do things like that sometimes. I was quite a nerd in high school."

"Were you?"

"Can't you tell?" She waved a hand over herself with a laugh. "I just grew into someone who looks confident and popular but really isn't."

"You could have fooled me."

She laughed again and the vibrations from it sent Virginia's heart into a frenzy. "So, Virginia tell me about yourself."

"For fear of sounding like the nerd now, I can't believe you know my name."

Then Tamara rolled her eyes in the most adorable fashion. "You've been working with us for three years, I know a lot more than you think."

Virginia smiled but had no idea what she would say about herself or what she could say that was of any interest. "I don't know what to say now."

"Then let's just talk."

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