Chapter 51

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Nichole found a CD player, with some CDs with 80's hits, so she put one in to give her some music while she was cleaning the house.

"Hit me with your best shot!" She belted out as she mopped the floors, unaware that she was being watched by a very amused Emmett.

"Sing it, baby!" He said, causing Nichole to let out a startled scream, and she hurled the mop in his direction. Emmett ducked, and the mop hit a mirror, causing it to shatter.

"You know, they say that breaking a mirror is seven years of bad luck." He commented, clearly trying not to laugh.

"Screw you. Don't you know better then to scare me like that?"

"So you're gonna fight Aro off with a mop. You might actually stand a chance."

"Oh shut up. What are you even doing inside anyway? Aren't you supposed to be outside helping to set up the traps or something?"

"Carlisle wanted me to come in and check on you, make sure that you didn't run away or something."

Nichole rolled her eyes. "I'm not that stupid, you know."

"You never know with you." Emmett laughed. "Besides, things are just about done out there anyway, it seriously looks like something out of that Home Alone movie, snow and all."


"Yeah, it just started. Carlisle thinks that by nightfall, there's going to be at least a few inches on the ground by tonight."

Nichole suddenly grinned. "You know what I'm thinking about doing tomorrow then, right?"

Emmett's grin matched hers. "Snowball fight?"


"Just know that I'm gonna pelt Black in the face with a giant snowball."

"Now, what on Earth would make you think I wouldn't be okay with that? He always needs to be knocked down a peg or two you know-"

"Nichole!" Alice came running in, nearly running Nichole over in the process. "Aro...I saw him in a vision, he's on his way here!"

"What?!" Nichole cried out, her face going pale. "How the hell did he even find out that we were here?"

"Someone must have ratted us out, someone that had to know where we were going. None of us Cullens would do that, neither would the werewolves or Bella, so that just leaves..."

"Diana." Nichole whispered. "But...I trusted her, surely she wouldn't just betray me like that, right?"

"Nichole, I think that she's been in Aro's pocket all along. None of us saw it. Actually, has anyone seen her?"

"I actually haven't seen her for a couple of hours." Emmett responded. "How long do we have, Alice?"

"I don't know, a few minutes, maybe?"

Emmett cursed. "That's not nearly enough time to get her out of here. We're going to have to fight them."

Carlisle seemed to have that same idea. "Jared and Jacob, I want you two to stay as close to Nichole as possible. I'm going to have Bella stay with you as well, God forbid that she get more mixed up in this then she already is."

"Carlisle..." Nichole's voice was shaky. "I don't want to go back to him, I can't go back to him, especially not with me being pregnant."

Carlisle pulled Nichole in a tight hug. "Aro is not going to take you." He said in a firm voice. "I'll make sure of that."

"As will I." Said an all too familiar voice, and Nichole turned to see her mother, with Esme standing beside her.

Emmett let out a snarl, but Esme held up a hand. "Just let her talk, all of you."

"Talk then." Nichole said, folding her arms across her chest. "As I'm sure that you probably heard, we don't exactly have a lot of time here."

"Look, I'm going to admit that i wasn't exactly a fan of Carlisle and his little family-"

"Well no shit."

"Nichole." Esme said sternly. "Let her speak."

Nichole's mother nodded her thanks to Esme before speaking again. "But I've been tracking you, and seeing the way that they've been so protective over you, treating you like one of their own even though you're a human, it's made me realize that maybe my view of vampires and werewolves has been...slightly misguided. With the exception of Aro and his group, of course."

"You realize that it's your fault Aro is after me, right?"

Her mother scoffed. "And how is that my fault?"

"You poisoned my blood. One of the reasons that Aro wants me is because of that."

"I was trying to keep you safe."

"You couldn't even keep me safe from my own father, what makes you think that you could keep me safe from anything else?"

"Can't you guys talk about this later?" Alice cut in. "I get that the two of you have some things to work through, but we have more important things to do, such as making sure that Nichole doesn't die today."

"So what's the plan?" emmett asked. "Or do we just fight and hope for the best?"

"Fighting is all that we can do." Carlisle responded. "Nichole has no time to flee, so we only have one option, we go to war and end this, once and for all."

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