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"CHUUYA" hearing brunette's voice the smaller male stopped on his tracks and turned his head to look at the man who just 'proposed' to him

"Everything I've said...I meant every single word from it"

The ginger turned his face to look at his ex-lover with tears picked in his eyes

The way Osamu looked  and said those words seemed so sincere

Chuuya couldn't stand seeing the younger (51 days) man like that, so he turned his face back

"Don't leave... Chuuya..." Osamu called after him

Dazai was shocked when he saw the ginger came back, he felt a little hope appear in his heart

Chuuya just stared at him and said:

"I don't have my motorbike"

"ooh, - Osamu paused, - let me drive you to your apartment then"

They walked to Dazai's car in the parking garage and got on their seats


"Can we go home, Osamu?" Chuuya asked quietly

Dazai nodded and started the car, the ride was silent. Well, if you don't count the amount of car honks and the curses brunette received due to his poor driving skills

(a/n: this man has no idea how to drive a car)

Osamu parked the car in the forest, in front of an old-looking house

Chuuya was cursing the brunette when they got off the car:

"You fuCKER, wHy are yOu driving WHEN you don'T even know HOW TO FUCKING drive???"

and added

"hoW do you even haVe a fucking car?"

Dazai smiled at the male's usual attitude and said:

"it's not my car, it belongs to Kunikida-san"

Chuuya stared at the male questioningly. Osamu saw this and explained:

"Oh, he doesn't know I took it. Good thing network doesn't work on here"

"You really are a stupid piece of shit"

The brunette held his hand to his chest (where his heart is supposed to be) dramatically and gasped:

"ChUUUYA - and smiled again - but you love me, right?"

The ginger blankly stared at Dazai's pouting face:

"I do, you fucking idiot, I do"


They entered the small house with red walls. It was the place they called home. A little abandoned house that they found when they were 15. This place held so much memories, because this was the place where they first met each other (a/n: I'm going to make a chapter about how they first met (later))

This was the place where they swore to never leave each-other's side, the place they spent all of their time in, the place where they fell in love

"This place hasn't even changed"

"The last time we were here, you were out of it while drinking"

The ginger face-palmed:

"ugh, don't even remind me"

"I've never understood why a person with low alcohol tolerance like you always drinks?"

"Wine is everything, okay?"

"If you say so, - Osamu rolled his eyes playfully, - you look cute when you're drunk tho"

"Shut up" the ginger hit his arm while sitting on the floor near the full-length window

"Never" the brunette said while taking a seat on the floor, near Chuuya

They sat in silence for a while, until a certain ginger decided to speak:

"Do you think we can continue things?"

Dazai sighed deeply and took a look at the stars through the window:

"What we have for each-other will never end"

"right..." Chuuya muttered

"I always thought that you deserved someone better, I still think so...but I can't imagine myself without you"

"Osamu- I might deserve someone better or I might not. I don't care about that. It has always been you, Osamu"


(I swear Chuuya has something about cutting Dazai off. We stann)

"I really want to continue this, Dazai"

the brunette stared at the ginger's gorgeous blue eyes as if saying 'me too'

The ginger smiled at him and took his pinky finger and wrapped his own around it

"Sooo..., - he paused, - boyfriends?"

"Boyfriends." Dazai nodded


The night was going beautifully. Dazai's hand on top of Chuuya's while he had his head on the ginger's shoulder

This time, Osamu decided to break the silence and said:

"We should move in together"

The ginger, surprisingly agreed:

"yes, we should. To my house though, since mine is bigger and my pay is high-"

"mhm, - brunette agreed - sugar daddy"

(He is so annoying hElp)

Chuuya smacked his head:

"Idiot" he muttered

"Awwwh, but I'm your idiot" Osamu still continued while rubbing his head

Ginger shook his head in disappointment:
"And why am I dating you?"

Dazai laughed and hugged the shorter male closer:

"We should get going" and added "do you remember what young Soukoku did on the days like this?"

"cuddles" Chuuya smiled when he remembered the old days and added "bUt, I will be the one driving, since you can't drive for shit"

Kunikida is going to be so pissed

The end of the chapterrrrr

a/n💀🚽: another cringe chapterrrr

at least Soukoku are dating now

Next chapter will be texting full with shin Soukoku (because why notttt)

I want to add Kunikida, Tachihara, Tanizaki and Higuchi to the gc

What are y'all's opinions about Tachizaki (Tanizaki x Tachihara)? Should I do it?


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