Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 _Mates pt 1

Jordan’s P.O.V

Just as I was about to break entry to the woods a pair of strong arms surrounded my waist holding me back. “NO NO NO NO NO LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed at Chase. As tears started to slide down my cheeks, I kept struggling but it was no use he was not letting go any time soon. “Just let me explain!!!!!” he shouted still trying to calm me down. “NO!!! You made it perfectly clear I’m your mate and you don’t want me so just leave me alone!!!!!!” I shouted tears streaming down my face.

“Please just give me five minutes and I’ll explain.” Chase pleaded. Stiffly I nodded, with that he lifted me up bridal style and carried me back to his bedroom. He sat down on the bed with me still on his lap. “I never hated you, I’m sorry I ever treated you like that. I just had the biggest crush on you and I was too afraid you’d say no so that was the only way I knew how to express myself. I’m so sorry I never meant to hurt you.” He whispered I almost never heard him.

“I never meant for it to come out like that Jordan I-,” I cut Chase off. “Was looking for a better way to hurt me, embarrass me, tear me apart?” I questioned hurt evident in my voice. “I’ll explain just please let me finish before you interrupt.” Chase asked quietly. I gave a weak nod, “You know how our parents were always at each other’s houses trying to get us to go for family dinner’s or trips to the lake or a vacation?” he asked. I nodded

 “Then you know how persistent my parents are, I supposed to take over for alpha this month and lately they’ve been pestering me to find my mate so she’ll be able to help me get a hold on things when I become alpha. Then mom’s been bugging me about starting a family, not that I won’t be happy or anything it’s just that we’re still in high school for crying out loud!!!!!” Chase all but shouted.

So did the one thing I knew would shut him up. I kissed him for once. At first he was shocked but almost immediately after did he respond to the kiss. I don’t remember when but at some point Chase switched our place so now I was lying beneath him and he was caging me in between him and the bed.

I was running out of air so I pulled away. Apparently Chase didn’t because he started trailing kisses down my neck, “So Jordan Danielle Riverson, will you be my girlfriend?” Chase questioned his lips still on my neck. “Yes Mr. Chase Nathan Anderson I will love to be your girlfriend!!” I exclaimed. With that Chase’s lips crashed against mine. At some point my shirt had been ripped open so my green bra was showing.

Then suddenly the door to Chase’s room was slammed open and all I heard was, “OH MY GOD, I’M GONNA BE A GODFATHER!!!!!!!” before Chase answered with a, “You better get out if you value your life Trent.” Chase growled. “I know you guys want me to leave but Chase your parents are downstairs and I suggest you take….” He trailed off not knowing my name.

“Jordan.” I filled in for him. “Welcome to the family Jordan, I’m Trent this dummies best friend.” He said pointing to Chase. “Hahaha now out.” Chase said mocking anger as he directed his friend out. “Meanie, see you around Jordan, Chasey - pooh,” Trent’s pout turned to a smirk as he left the room. “Now where were we?” Chase questioned as he resumed caging me imbetween his bed and him. “We were about to go downstairs to meet your parents?” I questioned playing dumb.

Before he could do anything I was up and out of his hold and making a dash for stairs. But, before I entered the living room I felt a familiar  pair of arms wrap around me and from the shocks I knew it was Chase. Chase didn’t know but I was very ticklish so when I started moving around did he notice my ticklishness. “Chase let…me go!!!” I squealed as he started to tickle me until I fell to the floor.

“Uhhmm.” Looking up we came face to face with none other than Chase’s parents, who were wearing grins so big I thought their faces were gonna crack. “Uh, hey Mr. A, Mrs. A.” I said giving a little wave. “Child how many time must I tell you to call me Jenny and John, well, John. Besides you’re part of the family now!!!!” Jenny exclaimed happily as she pulled me into a bear hug.

“Sooooooooooooooo what brings you guys here?” Chase questioned. “What, so I can’t come see my only son?” Jenny asked looking at Chase. “Nope.” He replied rather smugly while popping the ‘p.’ “You’re right we love you too much, we came here to discuss the rogue situation.” John said going from happy to serious all in, I don’t know but it was really fast I swear I got whiplash.

As if they just noticed they looked at me with panic written all over their faces. “Don’t worry she already knows no need to worry guys.” Chase reassured his parents. “So Jordan dear, has my lovely son told you about the mating process yet?” Jenny asked looking rather pleased at look on Chase’s face. He literally paled,  you could of compared him to paper.

“I uh…… haven’t gotten to uh that part ……yet.” He answered his mother looking rather uncomfortable. “Right so while you go explain that your father and I will be on our anniversary trip to the cabin. The rogues can wait they were only passing through and your father saw to it that they passed without any trouble. So bye sweetie.” She kissed both his and my cheeks before her and John made their way to the door. “Oh we’ll be back sometime next weekend.” With that they left us.

“So what’s this I hear about a mating bond?” I questioned. “Let’s go for a walk?” sighing I agreed. Have I been doing that a lot or what? “So you mind explaining a bit, I may know a lot about wolves but, I seem I to blank when it comes to werewolves?” I questioned we walked in silence for a few minutes while Chase got his thoughts together.

“Well there are originally three but, for alphas there’s one more. The first would be the kiss, the marking where I bit you right here.” He said pointing to where my neck meets my shoulder. “The third would be the actual mating where we mate.” He finished off smirking while I turned tomato red. “Hahaha very funny well lucky you that won’t be happening any time soon.” It was my turn to smirk, “So what was the last step you said alphas an extra step?” I questioned.

“I was hoping you would forget that part.” He mumbled. “So what do you think about the waterfall?” he questioned when we arrived. It was beautiful but first things first, “Not gonna happen spill!!” I demanded getting fed-up. “The last step is to have an heir Jord’s, we need to have a kid.” Chase whispered.

Hmmm, wonder what Jordan’s reaction is gonna be ;). Sorry for the long wait expect a next one soon I was sick then I and tests but that’s no excuse I’m sorry.


SO :  V                               O

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FAN  =)

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