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"Hmm... where is it? Did we run out?" A young teenage girl with brown hair and rose colored eyes mumbled to herself.

"Kiyomi! Go buy more flour from the corner store."

"What?...Now...it's—ugh fine. I'm going! I'll be back." The ravenette left the comfort of the living room sofa.

Walking down the road in his gray sweatpants and black long sleeve shirt that fit him too loosely. It was practically falling off his shoulder, but Kiyomi didn't care to fix it.

His hands were in his pocket. Feeling at the money given to him to purchase the ingredient needed.

Kiyomi could see the store at the end of the street, but was distracted by the playground a few feet away.

He went to go sit in a swing and began to rock himself back and forth gently.

How nostalgic.

It reminded him of his younger days

Memories from his past life began to resurface.

The talk with his dad. Waking up to the scent of his mother's cooking. His little brother asking to sleep with him anytime he had a nightmare.

And finally his boyfriend and the way his work slacks hugged his butt, perfectly outlining the curvature of his bottom. His boyfriend was completely different when it was just the two alone and not in a crowded classroom. Still a little on the serious side though.

Yeah, Kiyomi missed that.

"Are you alright..?"

Kiyomi snapped out of his nearly endless cycle of reliving and glanced at the person who spoke.

He had dark hair that was pulled back with a pink hair clip. His viridescent eyes shone brightly as his thick eyebrows were furrowed together slightly.

He was wearing his school uniform and had his black bag in his hand.

"Sorry..I didn't mean to intrude—wait your Kana's brother. Uh...Kiyomi right?" The boy sat in the swing next to him and put his things on his lap.

"Yes, and your Issac?" Kiyomi smiled.

Yes! This was the perfect chance for our protagonist to mingle and bond with the secret love interest. Hopefully it goes somewhere.

There must be a god if I was granted this once in a life time moment!

"That's right! I'm surprised you remembered me...Kana is always saying how you can't really match names with faces...." That last part came out as a mumble, but Kiyomi heard everything.

"Does Kana talk about me...?"

"Huh! Uh yeah...she does sometimes, but earlier today was the first time I actually met Kiyomi." The brunette began to frantically wave his hands.

Issac glanced toward the shorter boy next to him.

Kiyomi was leaning forward a little bit. His very loose long sleeved shirt hung off his form, revealing his blank collar bone and pink tinted shoulder. His cheeks lightly flushed with a faint red due to the chilly air and his big rose eyes stared up at Issac's.

*cough cough*

Issac coughed and quickly looked away from Kiyomi.

Use your natural beauty and cuteness to lure him in, then once he's trapped, you reveal your other side oh dear protagonist.

Kiyomi knew exactly what he was doing and although this might be a little soon, wanted it to end in the way he was imagining.

"Um...a-anyways...I'll get going. See you later!" Then Issac walked away and was gone before  Kiyomi could process what happened.

"Are you serious!? I didn't even get to do anything...." He mumbled.

The ravenette got up and continued his stroll towards to store.

sigh... I guess that was better then nothing.

As he purchased the ingredient requested from the store, Kiyomi's mind shifted back to his earlier thoughts. Before he bumped into Issac. Although Kiyomi felt so lucky to have transmigrated into the body of the mc's twin brother, there were still people from his previous life that he missed. He was sure his body was dead and knew he wouldn't be able to return to it. If only one of them could somehow come to him instead.

That would be awkward, Kiyomi thought to himself. Imagining his (ex?)boyfriend settling into this new world when he's trying to capture the hearts  of the love interests. Would that be cheating? Either way, that is not something Kiyomi would be glad to experience.


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