24:00 | a good father

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DAD GREETS me the moment I come through the front door

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DAD GREETS me the moment I come through the front door. He stands from the recliner, stretching out the knots in his back. "How was class, kiddo?"

I narrow my eyes at Peewee who pats my father's shoulder and chuckles, "Don't ask."

"It was alright," I say too tightly.

"Glad to hear that." He starts to head toward the kitchen, whistling, but then stops and reverses back. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask if you'd like to come with me to see your aunt? I think she's pretty lonely at that center."

"Oh yeah?"

It probably goes without saying that visits with Aunt Atheena are not my favorite. I usually let Dad do all the talking while I stare into space, counting the seconds until the visitation is over. To this day, I still haven't told her—nor anyone for that matter—that I can see all the creepy dead people that she can. And that's because I don't want to end up her roommate in a mental ward.

"I'm thinking in the next few days?" Dad continues. "Your schedule open?"

"Uh, sure...keep me posted."

"Sounds good, baby." He kisses my forehead. "I was just about to put the chicken in the oven before your mom gets off her shift. You'll be here tonight, right?"

Peewee has been circling the living room, commenting on each family photograph in soft murmurs. It's this moment she exclaims, "Devyn Le'Anne Brooks, you were such a pudgy baby! How cute!"

I hold back my growl of annoyance and blink at my dad. My thoughts scramble for a lie—a lie I never would've told before I started talking to the dead and aiding fugitives. "Uh, I actually have to go to the library again tonight. Still having trouble finding Nri Kingdom texts."

My dad frowns. "Oh."

"But don't wait up for me," I add quickly. "And I promise I'll ravenously eat the leftovers like a dutiful college student as soon as I return."

"Just don't be there too late. I know you got your mace but I don't like you staying on that campus after hours."

"I'll be with Lauren," I lie again, wanting to smack myself.

Seriously this new me is lying way too easy, but I don't want my dad to worry. And he knows Lauren from my high school days. We hardly see each other anymore because she's too busy making dope college friends and getting into med school while I'm too busy avoiding ghosts and my major like they're plagues.

Best piece of advice for a medium: to avoid the dead, just don't go anywhere except school. Makes for a crappy social life, I know.

"Aw, Lauren. She make it into med school yet?"

I force a smile, hoping he doesn't see the panic in my eyes because I truly have no clue. "It's...any day now."

"And what about you? Got any idea what you want to major in yet so I know what sort of future I'm investing in?"

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