Chapter 2

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Natalie's POV

"Natalie" I heard his voice

" what" I said wiping the stray tears from my sons face

" I need you to come with me and you can give the kids to there rightful father" he said sticking his tattooed hand in his pocket

" OH give me children to the rightful father, okay then here take him cause your the rightful father" I said finally turning around to face him

" oh and yes there's a second one, she is sitting inside that hospital more than likely in pain getting medication because she fell off a stairs and hit her head, so yes sure go ahead and take them cause they are your children" I said opening my back door and getting a blanket throwing over River

He was too stunned to speak

I walked back inside the hospital and noticed he was following me

I went to Rain's room and he still followed me

I sat in the chair next to her bed and held River next to her covering them both and laid my head beside her head holding her hand and she held it

It brought back so much memories, the day they entered this world and they held my pinky for the first time ever

"mommy my head hurts" she said

" it's fine baby, I'm sure the medicine will work soon" I said rubbing her head

" medicine disgusting,I feel bad for you Rain" River said making a disgusted face

"who's the scary guy mommy" Rain said

" I will-" I was cut off by there father

" I'm your father, and you guys and your mom are gonna come live with me" he said

They got excited and I excused myself and told him to follow me

" you know you can't just barge into there lives like that" I said crossing my arms

" they are my kids that I put in you" he said angrily

" I don't even know your name, you probably don't even know my fucking name and you want us living with you" I said getting upset

" it's Demon now you know and your name is Natalie and I certainly don't give 3 fucks if you refuse cause you don't have a choice, what are there names?"

"Rain is the girl and River is the boy" I said

" I'm sure Rain and River would like a fresh start and I don't want to be a deadbeat father so I want to start taking care of both and my kids" he said

" you already look like a deadbeat dad" I muttered

He grabbed my jaw tightly making me look up at him

" how was I suppose to be a good father if I didn't know she about them " he said

I was mad that I didn't know what to say

He let me go when he saw a nurse coming

" are you Miss Thomas?" She asked

"yea that's me"

" well Rain is doing good, she can leave tomorrow just make sure she gets rest" she said handing me a discharge sheet

I said thanks and went back into the room

I filled it out and got Rain dressed in her Pj's

"Mommy Up" Rain said

" me too" River said and Demon watched to see what I would do

" better be lucky mommy got strong knees and can still bend cause she getting old" I said picking them up and spinning around with them

" mommy your only 25" They said laughing making Demon chuckle

I smiled at my gorgeous creations and kissed them

"let's get you guys home" I said

"I want dad to hold me now" Rain said

He looked at me for confirmation and I nodded handing her over

He held her on his hip carefully as if she was fragile

We walked to the front desk and I handed in the form and they gave me a prescription for pain medication for kids

We got home in 40 minutes and Demon followed my car the whole time

We got home in 40 minutes and Demon followed my car the whole time

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here house

I parked in my drive way and he parked his black tinted Bentley on the side walk

When he stepped out my neighbour Vanessa came out and came over bearly wearing anything

" mommy the witch is stepping on our lawn" River said making Rain laugh and they ran inside

I sighed closing my door when she stood infront of me

" hey Nat, mind setting me up with your sexy friend here" she said pushing her large breast up

" don't need my kids father getting whatever STD your carrying" I said and she scowled at me

" always being a bitch" she said pointing her finger in my face

" always being a whore" I said pointing my finger back in her face

She came up way too much in my face and was about to slap me when I slapped her across her face first making her head move to fast swiftly

" oh, you want to fight" she said catching her wig up

" it's too late for your bullshit Vanessa " I said


" Never, walk away bitch before I turn you inside out " I said grabbing her by her shirt

" Next time I will get you" she said as I shoved her away

" Yea and the next time you set your ugly scarecrow looking ass on this motherfucking lawn I will kill you" I said

"Are you threatening me" she said

" no, its a promise " I said as she walked away off my lawn

"Fucking slut" I muttered

- "What a good show, fighting over me already" Demon said smirking

"don't flatter yourself" I said walking inside

He stayed a little bit before it was time for him to go

" Pack you all stuff up, I will be here 10 am sharp tomorrow and I am very impatient" he said before kissing the kid's forehead and he left

I locked up and went to tuck the kids in bed

I turned their bedroom light off and went to my room

I showered and changed into my Pj's and crawled into my bed falling asleep in no time

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