Chapter 7: The Twist

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Alex's POV

// The night after the first "encounter" //

I watch her exit the room then fall back into my pillow as the door closes behind her. I can't believe that actually just happened. The years I've spent imagining what it would be like, even just to kiss her, did not prepare me.

I've always been attracted to her, but who wouldn't be. The way her curls fall down over her shoulders and bounce with every step mesmerizes me. Her eyes suck you into an ocean of green and blues that I could get lost in for hours. Her face is naturally pretty. Not like that fake sorority girl pretty, but pure feminine beauty.

I've spent hours memorizing the curve of her nose, the placement of every freckle and mole, the way her lashes curl up toward the sky. I know her face like the back of my hand and I've admired it from afar for four long years.

When I first moved in with Mel she had a boyfriend so, naturally, she was off limits and I, unlike most men, respected that. When they broke up, I didn't want to be just a rebound. I genuinely care for her so I kept my distance and waited for the right time. When the right time finally came around, I promptly chickened out. Too afraid of making things awkward and potentially ending up without a home and without my best friend, I missed my opportunity to tell her how I felt. Then she came home with Sir Douche Canoe. Let's not even get into how miserable that was. When he broke her heart I vowed that when the right time came around once again, I would grow a pair and express my feelings. I knew I could give her what she deserves. I could love her more than anyone ever has. I made this decision as I held her tight in my arms as she cried, trying to squeeze the shards of her heart back together.

The right time never did come. I got too comfortable. Or maybe too afraid. Just being with her is enough. Having her around, in my space, it's enough.  There may be a small glimmer of hope in my chest that she'll see me one day. That all of the meals, the late nights, the laughs- they'll flip a switch in her brain and tell her: HEY IDIOT HE'S THE ONE!

The goal of this arrangement was in no way, shape, or form to satisfy my want for her nor was it to persuade her to fall in love with me. It was a drunken thought, the result of a building tension. I felt bad for even asking... but then she agreed.

I almost feel dirty, but at the same time I feel so damn good.

"Goddamn it." I sigh and drag my hands down my face. "Don't get attached.

// Present day //

I'm in the kitchen preparing my famous hangover cure breakfast when I hear Mel enter the kitchen?

"It'll be done in just a few minutes." I say over my shoulder.

She doesn't respond so I turn to see if she's still in the room. She's standing there with a suitcase, pulling on her raincoat.

"Mel, what are you doing?" I ask, concerned.

"I'm going to visit my parents." She says, avoiding eye contact.

"Is everything okay?" I ask stepping toward her, concerned.

"Yeah they're fine," She moves toward the door. "I just have to go."

"Mel, what's wrong?" I ask hurrying to catch up with her. "You seem upset."

"I'm fine, Alex." She stares a the floor, flinching away when I move to grab her hand.

"Okay," I recede. "You know I'm always here for you, right?"

"Yeah, Alex. I know." She shakes her head at the floor, turns, and exits the apartment.

I'm left in the entry, dumbfounded. I've never seen Mel so distraught. Usually when she gets into a funk, she comes right to me. I've been with her through everything; she knows she can trust me. 

What could possibly be so wrong that she can't even look at me, let alone admit something is wrong?

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