Chapter 4 - Photographs

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December 24, 1994 - 3:00 A.M. - Flashback

Christmas was just in a few hours. I remember waking up at 3 am, as usual. I went down the stairs to find the girl under the Christmas tree. The faint Christmas music playing in the backround turned from happy music chiming "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way..." to a horrifying screech. My heart jumped when the music screeched.

The girl slowly rose up, she walked with her head down, humming the Christmas song that was no longer playing. "Please....stop..." I said to her, trying to hold back tears as I slowly backed away. The girl raised her hand out to me, reaching. I bumped into the table and fell to the ground, her standing over me. I screamed..

September 18, 1996 - 2:00 P.M. - Present Day

The second I heard the door unlock, I knew I had to hide the book. I shoved it into the pocket in my dress and raced down the hallway to my bedroom.

"Hi mother!" I said in a hurry.

"Whats the hurry Addie?" She asked, putting her briefcase and purse down. Without a reply, I scurried into my room and hid the small leather book under my pillow. Moments after, my mom walked in my room.

"Addie, answer me young lady." I caught my breath while trying to think up a logical reply.

"Hum, I was just playing a game...with the cat!" I lied. My mother looked at me oddly and put her hand on my head.

"Don't get into any trouble now, Addison." She said, turning around and walking out. As she was walking through the door, I went to reach for the book under the pillow. "Oh, and Addie," She stopped in the door way. I quickly drawled my hand back.


She stood silently for a moment then turned around to face me. "I'm going out to run some errands tomorrow. I want you straight home after school. Understood?" I nodded.

The next day after school, I rushed home right away. I had to look at what was inside that book. I unlocked the door and walked into my silent old house. I went up the creaky stairs and ran into my room. I moved my white pillow and pulled out the book. I undid the tie around it and sat down on my bed to look in it. I opened it up. It had a letter taped into it.

"Dear Marie-Rose,

I hope you are having a wonderful time in Paris, my dear. I baked some apple-pie for whenever you get home. I cannot wait to see you again. I locked the door inside the basement, she can't get out of there now. I can't believe we finally have a child... I'll see you in 2 days, darling.



That was the end of the first page. I flipped the page to what looked to be a drawing of a young girl in the stone room. There was what looked to be a wood bed in the corner, a toy box, and a few other small decorations. Something was telling me to go down and look in the basement. I was nervous, as the last time I encountered a basement was... horrifying, to say the least. I hadn't yet seen the basement of this house. I peered out the white curtain to make sure my mother wasn't home yet. Once the coast was clear, I walked around the staircase to the back. I unlocked and opened the door on the back of the staircase to reveal a long, dark, wooden staircase. I nervously trekked down the stairs, my legs shaking with every step.

As I reached the bottom, I touched all over the wall, searching for the light-switch. My hand brushed the switch and I blindly flicked it up. When the light turned on, I was surprised by what I saw. The only light illuminating the room was a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling by it's wires. It flickered on and off. My gray eyes scanned the room. Then, I saw it. In the far right corner of the dark, flickering basement, there was a metal door, locked up with a bolt.

My knees began shaking as I slowly made my way over to the door. I began breathing heavily. I didn't know why, but I felt... out of control. I clenched my fists as I approached the tall door. I begin to fiddle with the bolts, my fingers madly trying to open them. When i finally get them undone, I wrap my hand around the cold, stone knob.

"3...2...1." I mutter under my breath as I slowly pull the heavy door open. Inside, I begin to panic. The room looks IDENTICAL to the photograph in the book. A wood bed in the corner, a toy box; everything was exact. There was no little girl, though. I had to be dreaming, there was NO way... was there?

I continued in and checked under the bed. Nothing. Could this have been what the book was talking about? I was down there when I heard a knock at the door. Mother always told me not to answer the door when she wasn't home, but I figured it wouldn't hurt this once. Besides, after all it could have been mother unable to get inside. I brushed off my dress and left the room. I shut the stone door and headed back upstairs. I walked around the staircase to see who was at the door. I slowly opened it.

"Hello..." I said slowly. I had never really opened the door to someone I didn't know. My mother always answered the door.

"Hello.. is Ms. Mary Jones here?" A tall blonde man with glasses asked. His eyebrows were pointed down in an angry fashion. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I shook my head.

"Do you know where I can find her?" He asked, looking angrily. I shrugged.

"She's out right now, sir..." I started to shut the door but he stopped it with his foot. I started to get really scared. I reached for me angrily. I started running and screaming. He was chasing after me. I was running to the kitchen to grab a knife...or anything for that matter. All of a sudden...I tripped. He came up behind me and grabbed my hair.

"WHERE IS SHE!?" He started screaming at me.

"I DONT KNOW! SHES OUT I CA-" He threw me down and stormed out.

I was alone again.

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