VI. La Push

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The sun nearly began to rise from behind the clouds. Elizabeth contemplated looking through Edward's mind again. As she stopped herself when she was frightened by what she'd seen.

Something told her over and over to go deeper. The curiosity took over and before she knew it her fingers moved gently over his head once again. This time she saw past the darkness the cold and the blood.

His fingertips traced across the ivory piano keys, while a lovely melody sang through her ears

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His fingertips traced across the ivory piano keys, while a lovely melody sang through her ears. An outburst of wind and pine trees flew past. His breath, his lips brushing together as he spoke, the whisper of birds preening their feathers in the treetops, their fluttering heartbeats, the maple leaves scraping together, the faint clicking of ants following each other in a long line up the bark of the nearest tree. His skin glistening like snow in the beams of the sun's light. And his golden eyes peering into hers with the smallest yet sweetest smile forming on his perfectly chiseled face.

She slowly dropped her hand and rested her head back on his chest. She let her thoughts about what she'd just seen drift her to sleep after a long restless night.


Elizabeth stretched as she woke. She sighed before turning to see she was alone now. A piece of paper that laid on her pillow caught her eye.

She unfolded it to reveal a note left for her.

What did you see?

She stared at the note with shock and confusion. What?.....

She stood up off her bed and made her way to her bathroom to shower. She went through her thoughts. She traced back to when she met him. He knew all along? But what does he want to do with me. Why the interest in knowing me? She thought.

Elizabeth frowned staring at herself in the bathroom mirror. She couldn't help but think the worst. That he wanted to use her for her powers. And that was the only reason for getting to know her.

After getting herself ready for the day since she was off work, she decided to do her own exploring. Elizabeth was used to life on her own. She didn't plan on seeing him again. Although it hurt a part of her she pushed it aside keeping her head held high.

She rode in a cab to La Push beach hoping to enjoy the scenery there and escape her mind just for a bit. The grey waves crashed onto the rocky shore out past the window of the moving car. She softly smiled at the scene.

"Thank you." She said paying the cab driver before shutting the door. Her boots stepped along the gravel making her way to an empty spot on the beach.

She sat down and set her bag beside her before reaching in and pulling out her book. Her book which she'd taken from work. After setting it aside the other day she'd brought it home and hadn't gotten the chance to read it. Until today, she thought reading on the beach would be the best time and place.

The book that sat on her lap almost seemed ancient. The engravings she traced her fingers over were almost unrecognizable to her.

Just as she was about to open the pages of the book her attention caught the sound of an object heading her direction. She snapped her head to a football aiming towards her head. Without hesitation she used her abilities to swiftly move the ball's direction away from her.

She stared at the ball that landed on the ground a few feet away from her.

"Sorry!" A male's voice approached from behind her. She turned to see a tall muscular boy with long dark hair and tanned skin. The warmest smile appearing on his face.

"My dude Jake over here, sucks at throwing" the boy laughed as another taller boy with tanned skin and short dark hair approached as well. Both boys were shirtless, wearing only board shorts.

This one seemed older than the other boy

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This one seemed older than the other boy. "Maybe you just need to learn to actually catch when I throw." He spoke to the boy annoyed.

His expression softened when he met eyes with Elizabeth's. "Hey I'm Jacob, I don't think we've met" he held out a hand for her.

She shook his hand right away noticing how warm he felt. Almost hot somehow, with the weather being so chilly.

"Elizabeth" She smiled.

"I'm Seth, sorry again about the whole football situation." She shook his hand as well.

Elizabeth shook her head. "No worries, luckily it missed me." She looked away.

Jacob continued staring at her. She interested him, the both of them. They knew of everyone who visited La Push. As they were there almost everyday, she was a new unfamiliar face for them.

"Are you new around here?" Jacob asked her. His heightened senses warned him. Warned him that she's not only human, and that caused him to feel a need to protect his pack, his family. With a strong need to know what exactly she was and why she was here.

Elizabeth quickly slid her book back in to her bag, standing up. "I just moved here recently, and I've been looking forward to seeing the beach I always hear of." She softly smiled crossing her arms and looking back at the grey waters. behind them.

Jacob's jaw clenched as he eyed her up and down, trying to get a feel for what she could be. Elizabeth noticed this and met his gaze trying to read him.

"That's great, we should have you join us sometime for a game or something" Seth smiled at her. He seemed more eager to genuinely get to know her and befriend her.

She moved her gaze over to meet Seth's sweet, kind expression and sent him a warm smile. "I'd love that, I definitely need to make more friends around here"

Seth's face seemed to light up even more. "Yeah! We could totally show you around and stuff, right Jake?"

Raindrops began to fall from the sky above them. They fell fast and hard causing their hair to become drenched. "Maybe another time." Jacob spoke. "Let's go. Paul's waiting on us."

He turned leaving the two of them. "Don't mind him, he's always like that." Seth sent her a small smile. "I'll see you next time though, we're almost always over here if you wanna hang"

"Sounds great, Seth" Elizabeth nodded.

He walked off sending her a wave. "Bye, Liz!" She smiled at his sweetness watching him leave.


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